Early February 2016 Hatch - Who's In?

Finally got my chicks for my loner. We had a local chick day! I got 2 silkies, 1 silver laced Wyandotte, and 2 lavender Orpingtons. They are all chirping under the heater :)
They are adorable !
They sure are, but we have had a bad start. One of my lavender ones ended up with a splayed leg. Was really weak and couldn't feed itself. I had marbles in my waterer but the worst happened. It fell in and drowned. I am so sick over it. I had splinted/taped its legs and had not seen any progress in 24 hours but still. It was horrible.
They sure are, but we have had a bad start. One of my lavender ones ended up with a splayed leg. Was really weak and couldn't feed itself. I had marbles in my waterer but the worst happened. It fell in and drowned. I am so sick over it. I had splinted/taped its legs and had not seen any progress in 24 hours but still. It was horrible.

I don't know if you tried this, but some sort of electrolyte water is always useful for day olds, I use it for the first week at least for all my chicks. I use something called "Stress-aid" from Vetoquinol. I also have a small syringe (without a needle) I use to give water to those who can't seem to figure it out themselves.
They sure are, but we have had a bad start. One of my lavender ones ended up with a splayed leg. Was really weak and couldn't feed itself. I had marbles in my waterer but the worst happened. It fell in and drowned. I am so sick over it. I had splinted/taped its legs and had not seen any progress in 24 hours but still. It was horrible. 

Oh no! That's so sad. I'm sorry!

I have two that looked like possible splayed leg along with curled toes (these are shipped eggs mind you). I had to tape and re-tape because they kept falling over. I isolated them for about 12 hours because they looked exhausted and would actually sit in a teacup I had under a heating plate. I also dribbled pro-vi-sol (spelling?) onto the bottom beak, one teeny tiny drop at a time. They both seem better today leg-wise. Im still concerned with one who doesn't seem to be eating/drinking on its own yet. Time will tell. They are also both in bandaid shoes. I used coffee stirrers to help keep their toes straight but I'm changing it every 8 hours because I seem to have crappy band aids that don't stay on. Sadly we are in the middle of a snow storm and I'm down to my last 3 band aids. Go figure.
Oh no! That's so sad. I'm sorry!

I have two that looked like possible splayed leg along with curled toes (these are shipped eggs mind you). I had to tape and re-tape because they kept falling over. I isolated them for about 12 hours because they looked exhausted and would actually sit in a teacup I had under a heating plate. I also dribbled pro-vi-sol (spelling?) onto the bottom beak, one teeny tiny drop at a time. They both seem better today leg-wise. Im still concerned with one who doesn't seem to be eating/drinking on its own yet. Time will tell. They are also both in bandaid shoes. I used coffee stirrers to help keep their toes straight but I'm changing it every 8 hours because I seem to have crappy band aids that don't stay on. Sadly we are in the middle of a snow storm and I'm down to my last 3 band aids. Go figure.

If you have some tape... Yes I know tape?! But listen. Take so paper towels or toilet paper and tape and make you a few band aids.
Polly is really upset ; She has been walking the hall in the Hen House I'm keeping Her from the laying Hens so as of Feb 29 I will give her six eggs (southern mix)
!! Wish us luck!

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