Easter Egger - Rooster or Hen


6 Years
Dec 9, 2013

The closest one is an Easter Egger, trying to get opinions on being a cockeral or pullet. We ordered 10 pullets (got 8 packing peanuts, the whites in the picture). My middle son had a Production Red that the dog ate and this Easter Egger, and I'm starting to think its a roo, so he's a little bummed about potentially getting 0 eggs from "his". We have 2 other EE's and they're not this big, have almost no comb and the tail looks like its starting to curl down some. Its the biggest chick among the group of now 14 (dog also ate 3 of the cockerals). Any ways, any one with more expertise or knowledge, I would appreciate the insight.

Sorry, that's a rooster.
Thanks for the replies, I have been thinking rooster for a few weeks, wanted another opinion. The tail feathers just started curving down, I was almost positive.

Second question, I know the picture is very good of them, but any guesses as to what the white chickens are in the picture? My order came from Ideal right before Christmas, there are 5 now, my guess was either leghorns (or Ideal 236's) or golden sex links (which the hen in the picture above is). Any ideas?
Your white birds are roosters, and probably a leghorn or the 236. If they were sex link males, they'd have reddish patches on the wing bow.
Your white birds are roosters, and probably a leghorn or the 236. If they were sex link males, they'd have reddish patches on the wing bow. 

Aww crap I missed the "packing peanut" description at the top of the page. Well I guess the OP might as well assume that those are roosters too. No hatchery in its right mind would give out free pullets on purpose.

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