Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

ok here is an update my chickens are now 15 weeks and i'm still clueless as to what they are :) both are small like hens, have small petite feet and barely any comb. both have rooster coloring though so i'm just all sorts of confused!!! small comb i think these are rounded? i dont see saddle feathers? the gold is new and just came in last week no comb really, small feet im not sure if these are rounded or not? gah
I'm on team pullet for these three too. It's much more than just "red shoulders" IMO. At 15 weeks you can expect some redness and even younger if they get chased or picked up, they'll redden up too. By 15 weeks, I'd definitely expect to see some saddle feathers. You can spread the wings and look high on the back up to base of neck and see if you see any pointy feathers starting. All of mine started coming in at 11 weeks, though some were more obvious than others and grew in faster. By 7 weeks, all of my EE cockerels have had a distinctly larger and redder comb.
ok here is an update my chickens are now 15 weeks and i'm still clueless as to what they are :) both are small like hens, have small petite feet and barely any comb. both have rooster coloring though so i'm just all sorts of confused!!!
small comb

i think these are rounded?
i dont see saddle feathers?

I'm almost positive that's a pullet, and I'm no expert. I have a cockerel with coloring the exact opposite of that girl - red head, shoulders, and back, then lightening up near the tail end. He is 18 weeks old and has highly developed, unmistakable saddle feathers and a large red pea comb.

Here's a picture of him on 9/1 - he's the bird in the center right. He would have been about 14 weeks old at the time and you can see his saddles even with the low resolution shot. They are slender feathers, curving downward behind his wing tip.

I think what you've got is a gorgeous red and gold pullet.

My three girls. :) one laying blue, one green , and one brown.

Feathers curled in the back and big legs.


His comb is a deeper color this week.


I know I am supposed to be comparing "apples to apples" here, as the yellow is a baby buff Orp-- but her legs are skinnier and you can see in other pics that her comb has no color.




You can see a little pink where waddles will possibly start to form.


Hello pointy feathers!


And this was just too cute and had to be shared! Remington watching Vera and June/Roo...

Feathers curled in the back and big legs.

His comb is a deeper color this week.

I know I am supposed to be comparing "apples to apples" here, as the yellow is a baby buff Orp-- but her legs are skinnier and you can see in other pics that her comb has no color.

You can see a little pink where waddles will possibly start to form.

Hello pointy feathers!

And this was just too cute and had to be shared! Remington watching Vera and June/Roo...
Too young for male specific feathering. Those don't start to develop until about 10 weeks old, and it takes a few weeks for them to be long enough to see. It's the pattern that is making the feathers seem pointed. That looks like pretty typical pullet patterning to me. No big patches on the shoulders.

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