Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*


If these two pics are of the same bird, it looks like a girl to me.
Looking for hints on the sexes of our two EEs. They are approx 5 weeks old. Behavior wise, the browner one hangs more with the rest of the flock (it/she/he) is also bigger. The lighter, yellow-headed one seems to get left behind a lot, and then peeps to catch up. We call it/she/he "the runt."

From today (in the background):

And closer up:

This is them a couple of weeks ago in case that helps...

Thanks for your thoughts! We bought "all pullets" but, of course, you never know.
Looking for hints on the sexes of our two EEs. They are approx 5 weeks old. Behavior wise, the browner one hangs more with the rest of the flock (it/she/he) is also bigger. The lighter, yellow-headed one seems to get left behind a lot, and then peeps to catch up. We call it/she/he And closer up: URL] Thanks for your thoughts! We bought "all pullets" but, of course, you never know.
Umm.. The yellow headed one is a pullet and I think the other one is as well. But I could be wrong on the second one. So far it looks promising.

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