Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

sweet that makes me feel better! i always wondered what kind of comb that was because it look straight but still super small :/ thanks!
I win, I was right!
Yep, pullets both.
I know I'm a little late on the reply, but I wanted to update y'all and let you know I ended up with a big fat rooster lol.

I'd also like to see another picture to see the set of the tail.  Some solid colored males don't get the red shoulders (and the columbian colored one in the previous post). I hatched a few Serama chicks last year.  Two of the cockerels were obvious at 3 weeks.  It took a lot longer for the third cockerel to show himself, and he didn't crow until after the other two had been sold.  So I think this is a late blooming male. (That is a very bright comb!)  But, the legs look slender, so...  tough one. 
If it's a pullet, you could get an egg tomorrow!   
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I know I'm a little late on the reply, but I wanted to update y'all and let you know I ended up with a big fat rooster lol.
Quote: Thanks for the update. I like knowing whether I've guessed correctly, especially when there are different opinions or a really confusing bird, like this one. Did you keep him?
Thanks for the update.  I like knowing whether I've guessed correctly, especially when there are different opinions or a really confusing bird, like this one.  Did you keep him? 

I've still got him for now. I don't allow roos to run with my girls so he's in the bachlor pen for now. I'm undecided as to what I want to do with him. EE aren't really a breed I have any desire in raising so he'll probably go. I think I paid $2 a dozen for the EE hatching eggs I got so its probably cheaper for me to just buy more eggs lol
@OTTB228 How does your bachelor pen work out? What's your setup?

I use a large covered dog run with an attached coop for roosting. I've actually had very few issues with the boys getting along. I'll have one occasionally get some feather plucking but nothing major. They stay there until it is time for them to go.
So not really long term?

I use a large covered dog run with an attached coop for roosting. I've actually had very few issues with the boys getting along. I'll have one occasionally get some feather plucking but nothing major. They stay there until it is time for them to go.
Here are my chicks. I'm guessing Patches is a roo, not sure about Tulip. They are 6 weeks old.




Patches on left, Tulip on right

So any guesses? My guess for Patches is based off the big patches of white on the wings, but what do I know? :) They both have small combs still and they are pinkish in the pictures, but it was pretty warm.
Sorry, I know this is super old, but both of these turned out to be pullets.

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