Easter Egger Sexing "tips and tricks" *Pictures Included*

Is it possible my blue EE is a pullet and has a true peacomb? The 2 obvious pullets have single rows, and the other 4 were cockerels. The boys all have cherry red big combs and obvious red wattles and two are starting to crow. And then there's this one... 3 row comb but no wattles to speak of, definitely not as red.I'm not good with body shape or feathers...

8 weeks old

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This chick is muffed/bearded, I wouldn't expect to see wattles on him. Having three obvious rows at such a young age is a male trait. It isn't that pullets can't have three rows, it's that they don't show as three obvious rows until later when they near maturity. I have an EE pullet with a three-row "pure" pea comb. Hers just looked like a ridge until about 16 weeks. At 20, I can see three rows but it's still a teeny comb even though she's squatting and reddened. It never looked like your guy's comb.
That's what I figured. Probably a cockerel by the brick red coming in and the comb color relative to age. It's juvie molting now so there may be male saddles coming in if you can grab it and look.

Ya I've felt like he was a cockerel since I got him so I won't be surprised. He's just so darn pretty I hate to have to get rid of him!!
Okay I'm getting worried... I'm seeing brick red!! A few weeks ago, most said pullet... thoughts now please! Pullet or cockerel?


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I'm stumped this is a 16 week easter egger with a small comb. He/She does not crow. But it looks like saddle feathers are growing near his tail. If it is a boy, should he be crowing by now? I know its too early for eggs. I think it has a three row comb but its hard to tell.
Thanks. My brother keeps telling me he's a hen. Because he's not crowing. Should I wait for him to crow before I find him a new home. Or just go for it.

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