Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Welcome Mayapple
Well once I finally found th way in >i parked behind the flea market and walked around the fairgrounds till i found it< we were able to walk around twice and get a few ideas of what i"d REALLY like to have. I didnt get to talk to anyone as he wanted to see the tigers! ARGHHHHHH So...if any of you were the proud owners of the standard black cochins or the langshan i want them please...thanks!
Hello Mayapple, and welcome to BYC. I am new myself, and my status has just recently changed to "just hatched". I think you will find this a lovely site, very welcoming and friendly. Glad you could join us.
I was born and raised in North Western Pa transplanted to Southern Maryland when I was 12, dragged kicking and screaming actually. Moved to the Annapolis area a year later and was there till I was 24 I then moved to the southern part of that county where I spent the last 13 years. I just moved here to Mosheim last June, but i've come here and stayed a few times before during my "Gypsy" years between Pa and Florida. My parents have been here for 15 years now.

I say "pop" or "soda pop" as Marylanders say soda or Coke and I'm a Pepsi drinker if i drink pop at all.
Next question: exactly where is Jefferson City, coming from Johnson City.

On the far side of Morristown lmost in Knoxville. I think the last mileage sign i saw to knoxville on 11E was 27 miles.
Don't try to make it go away! Be proud of whatever type of accent you have. It would be boring if we all sounded the same. I know I sound country!!!
Try Sevier Co! Pigeon Forge to be exact. I was raised by my grandmother and we had an outhouse until I was 8...you don't get anymore "hills" than that but I am proud and never ashamed of my heritage.
Tee hee! I knew someone was from the east, bc they call it soda. In MI its "pop".
This is a true story, its 1996, n I had just come down with my 3 kids n was @ ETSU for nursing orientation. Had been there all day n wanted something cold to drink. I sit down next to Alice who was dring a Mt Dew. I said "were'd you get your pop"?
Alice looking confused: oh, u mean my Coke.
Sandy, now confused bc Alice has a Mt. Dew: no your pop, your Mt. Dew
Alice: I got my coke in the vending machine dwn the hal
So u won't find southern accents here, but I CAN almost understand them now, ha

Well, I am as country as they come and I call them SOFT DRINKS!
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