Eastern Tennessee Thread

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& welcome to our little corner of byc.

I am sure someone on here can help you find some of the breeds you are interested in. There will be a show in the Spring in Newport and probably in Knoxville also. I do not breed or sell anything at this time and doubt that I will. IMHO and experience I no longer trust people at shows: bad past experience. I am sure there are some great people who go to and sell at the shows. I will go to shows, I will look but I will no longer buy there. I am the kind of person who wants referrals from people I trust and if it happens they are show people then so be it but backyard breeders are fine too. My advice is to research not only the breed but the breeder. Good luck in finding the breeds you are looking for.
Hi East TN Thread

I've just caught back up after doing the NYD Hatchalong (8,000 posts! it was all I could keep up w/)

My 1st incubation experience was, ah, educational ; /
After everything that went wrong, I have 2 live chicks in the brooder so at least I have that (from 23 eggs)

I'm going to to make some changes to the diy coolerbator and try again ...

Hello to the new ppl on the thread.

& HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 to everyone!
hey everyone!!! I am just now trying to catch up after a break and then some computer problems. I hope those of you you were thinking about a "snuggle tube" got the idea of how to put it together from my posts....because I never did make the video due to computer problem.

I wanted to welcome the new members also of course. I am certain you will find this forum helpful and the folks here friendly. Feel free to ask anything at all. Im going to go now and try to catch up on the posts, but will be back later :)

Does anyone know PLEASE...
I have no idea, and to be honest I don't think many BYC folks went. I did go but didn't care about the wyandottes, I bought a blue cochin hen who is still alive. My friends bought cochins, a couple of them died but I don't know if there is any more information to help. If you kept her up for 30 days then I'd say it has nothing to do with the show.

ETA: I thought you decided against getting any of the chickens from the fair after hearing about how pathetic they looked? Just wondering?
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I got them from a guy a couple weeks later...The hen was really old...sorry
A guy who bought them from the fair? I have no idea what was wrong with them, they just looked gosh awful in a matter of hours then dead within the next few days. I kept mine up for almost 2-3 months before putting her in with my flock... Then I had a random death with a hen I got from a BYCer.. Coincidence? probably. I think most of the hens/roosters that guy from the fair sold were old... or sick. What a shame! He got a ton of money off of people. Nothing to be sorry about, I was trying to use a more matter of fact tone that may have come off a bit abrasive... I do that sometimes without meaning to.
The birds in question at the TVA&I fair were from a fellow up north that buys and sells birds from show to show. He is what they call a "stringer" and is only in it for a profit. This happens at quite a few of the summer shows across the country when birds are plentiful. There are quality breeders both in the ranks of byc and those that show.in East Tennessee (and nearby) depending upon what you are looking for and what you wish to do with them.

For everyone's info: The Tennessee Valley Poultry Club will be hosting the Spring Dixie Classic on April 13th and also hosting the American Bantam Association Nationals the first weekend in December 2013 at the Jacobs Building (TVA&I Fairgrounds) in Knoxville. Their website is now available online at http://tnvpoultryclub.com/ or on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/pages/Tennessee-Valley-Poultry-Club
Hey all! And thank you for the warm welcome! Jeez, after reading these last few posts...it doesn't sound like I want to get any birds at a show? I used to raise parrots, and I understand people who want referrals only. I would be one of those people too. But, being new to the area, that's why I am asking for help here. Or a good place to start my quest in finding healthy birds. One of my concerns would be integration? If I get some birds here at one age, then some more birds there, at another age...how would the integration work? That's why I am considering hatchery birds, so they will all be the same age, and come together. My mother in law is having the same issue.she has five hens out of fifteen left, and wants to get more. But doesn't know how best to integrate. I told her about this website and that I would ask for all for some help on this question. So...any ideas? Thanks ahead of time!
I know who the guy is and what he does.The cockerel turned out to be really nice and I was trying to find another hen or two from this line of birds.
I would not worry about buying birds from a real poultry show from a quality breeder but buying birds from a fair show you just need to be a little more careful.
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