Eastern Tennessee Thread

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A fun picture of my crew, 2 BA pullets, 4 EE pullets and 1 EE cockeral. Yeah, I named most of them after food. Macaroni and Velvetta were named by my 6 year old grandson. LOL I have no clue how old Starr, Velvetta and Macaroni are, I was told they are under a year old but they are not laying.

The others are 21 weeks old. I think maybe Doosya may lay first?

What is everyone's experience with shipped eggs? What is the general hatch rate? Oh first time using the incubator and the total count was out of 24 eggs got 12 healthy live chicks, 2 died during hatching and 4 never pipped. 6 were not fertile.

I have had everything from 80% to 20%. I think 50 is good in winter & I hope for better than 60 in warmer months. I get 70-100 when I incubate my own
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What is everyone's experience with shipped eggs? What is the general hatch rate? Oh first time using the incubator and the total count was out of 24 eggs got 12 healthy live chicks, 2 died during hatching and 4 never pipped. 6 were not fertile.
On hatched eggs I don't hope for over 1/2 to hatch because of possible mishaps during shipping. If I get more...and I have had 100% hatches from shipped eggs, I am happy. For some reason if I get eggs from the eastern coast there is always a very low hatch rate. So there is a PO somewhere playing basketball with the egg boxes. Also you have to trust that the people you ordered from are sending very fresh eggs. I had some from Memphis took 5 days to get here...the eggs where 1 & 2 days old...so add the extra shipping days..the eggs where at least 7 days old...add letting them set a day before setting..that makes them 8 days til going into the incubator.

Never hesitate to ask for references of people who are reputable on hatching eggs. Most of us have had the chance to wean out some of the worse ones by experience.

But....it is just something you never really know. It is good to see our new people getting into the hatching mood. One word of advice I always give is when you starting out buy local and doesn't matter what the breed cause you can sell or eat them...the purpose of this is to weed out any incubation problems. I got 15 eggs and 10 where infertile.....but I know the breeder and she was hurrying to get them to me so...she is a great lady and will send my replacements when I am ready. Most will do this if you pay the shipping. That is a question to always as beforehand too.
Enjoy your chicks!!
Sorry to hear about the pullet, bit I still like the Black

He looks awesome but I do not have an opening for a blue, Sorry

Some of mine have decided to come early also. I woke this morning to 7 new Seremas and I do not know how many Home Grown Bantams, could not count them all.

Currently I am only using the nipples in the chick house, and I love them. Can not wait till I can get electricity to ALL the pens so I can use them for everyone. I have enough nipples and buckets just not the electricity.

With shipped eggs I consider myself lucky if I get 50%.
Some shipped orders have been a total loss, some have been really good.
I think there are just too many factors involved with shipped eggs.

Like they always say "Never count your chickens Before they hatch"
Oh AJ you are just a nut. hehe
I tried not to keep it open- just peeked at the humidity but, I think the two I saw were oprs- Im pretty sure there was a cream egg cracked open. I will know either tonight or tomorrow- yesterday was day 21 and they had just started to hatch.
If you need to peek be sure and take the plug out so it does not create a vacuum. That is what will shrink wrap chicks if they are pipped or zipping. What happens is it creates a suction that pulls the membrane down on them. Also...too high heat and too low humidity will create the same kind of problem. My incubator spiked some time Sat night at 102. I don't know how long but was like that when I got up yesterday morning. I am sure that is why most of mine where DIS. I have one struggling so...gonna be a long night.

@Itsthelaw.....I would not give up my nipple buckets for anything. They have frozen on top so I just take my stick and jab a hole in it. By the time I get out to them they have already pecked at the nipples and broke them loose if they where stuck. DH and I spent the day building a 6 x 3 x 2 1/2 juvenile brooder in the hen house. Now when they are too big to be in the chick brooder and too small to be with the flock they will have a place to stay.

DH was telling me that a show he watched said that in 2 years there will not be any other type of light bulb to buy but florescent. That is going to be a bummer for heating chicks. I am glad Lunar showed me her Brinsea Eco heater. DH bought me one for Christmas and I love it. NO LIGHT BULBS....especially those that blow in the middle of the night while you are asleep. I have drafted plans to build one similar to it using the snuggle tubes Bario told us about. SO...right now is the time to either start stocking up or find alternatives. The alternatives I must admit are much safer and dependable.
Hey everyone! I'm new here and in Northeast TN, I was wonder if anyone in the area bought feed from a local mill or knew of one in or around the Tri-cities?
Hey everyone! I'm new here and in Northeast TN, I was wonder if anyone in the area bought feed from a local mill or knew of one in or around the Tri-cities

and the E. TN thread. I buy at TSC so I can't help on the local feed mills but I am sure some of the others can. I think either TalbotPoultry (AJ) or Tennesseeckn might be able to chime in with some places. Glad to have you with us.
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