Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Hey peeps, have 52 call duck eggs in the Bator....woho can't wait. Also I have one EE that lays light blue eggs if I cross her with a bcm( the only roos I have) will the pullets lay dark green eggs?
I can't believe it has been a week since I have been on here! Ok, so I have 2 horses that I opened up to field behind the barn after the coyote incident. So far... no more problems. Still have all the chickens on lockdown unless we are home. Thank goodness for fodder!

Currently hatched- 5 chocolate orpingtons, 6 RIR, I think 16 or 19 Black Austalorps, 3 SFH's, 3 Lavender Orps. In the incubator: Coronation Sussex (my rooster had blockages on his vent as was not fertile until I found the problem a week ago
- lots of unfertile eggs that didn't hatch- but, all is well and they are fertile again- well... 80% sure... will know in about 5 days for sure when we candle), SFH, Americauna's, White orpingtons (hinkjc lines!!), lavender orpingtons, BLRW.

Coming soon to my incubator.... white breese, different lavender orp bloodlines, more white orps, Icelandics, mottled houdans, salmon faverolles, russian orlofs, and barred rocks.

So far on my incubator I have had great hatchability! I have had 100% on my eggs- less on shipped (which is expected)
Well I believe I am gonna have to buy a boat and some hip wadders it is sooooo muddy here. I can't remember when we have had this wet of a winter. I truly think I would rather have snow.
well i think turkey vultures, and peragrines must be the smartest of the BOPs, as at last place had a young turkey vulture, and forget maybe some other BOP, learned my signaling to fly or come in to feed call was a great dinner bell for it/them, and now noticed a peragrine at new place has learned the same! thought i lost two "birds" (lets just say not:chickens, ducks,, guinea, geese or quail, ect.. also mentioned on here), but one of my prized cocks over two days later came dropping in at my feet and ran to me like a tiny frantic child. im happy he is home safe, as he just looked unkempt, but im concerned the wild BOPs are getting so clever and bold, as this one was so close if id had a broom id have cracked it as it chased my birds all around right in front of me, and my flailing and yelling at it did nothing to startle or even get its attention. anyone else having trouble with to bold of BOPs?
Well I believe I am gonna have to buy a boat and some hip wadders it is sooooo muddy here. I can't remember when we have had this wet of a winter. I truly think I would rather have snow.
Haha same here! It's weeks like this that I'm glad I have ducks. You would think they are in paradise now...

Quote: I have had a large red tailed move in recently. Not losses to date, I'm hoping it has easier prey than ducks. Are the BOPs taking your pigeons?
What color is your EE hen? I have 2 EE 10 wk old Roo's maybe we can work out a deal and make some pure breeds. I am in Cocke County

The white and grey/black is the Roo
Gurgle Gurgle, sinking fast here in Jefferson County.

I have to evacuate 4 pens tonight.
Working till 5:30 so can not do anything till after work.

I checked them last night there was NO water in the area,
This morning the water is 40 feet wide and at least a foot and a half deep in the middle.

Water has gotten into 4 of my pens,
I am worried that if it gets any deeper that I may loose some chickens.

I am going to relocate them into a make shift pen.

Just hope the roosters hate the water more than they do each other.

I knew the area was prone to standing water but
NEVER in January, usually just a couple of weeks in late March, early April.
I should have known better, but as everyone knows hind sight is 20/20.
You are so funny! I will bring my flute to the next show so everyone knows who I am (Terry) and make Bario (Rod) follow with me. One thing I have been thinking about for our picnics when we get back to those for this year is maybe having a couple members give a short talk about care, breeding..etc for some of our new ones and some of us, like me, can always learn something new!
OK..here is my new little group with their mamma, Angus...1 black sillkie, 1 partridge silkie (call me Beth) and 2 Polish from eggs I stuck under her. I have another hen sitting on 13 eggs. She kept stealing eggs from another chicken, She will be hatching in a couple days. After the 9th my incubators are officially shut down til end of Feb. Have 2 eggs to hatch and finally a little rest!!

Here is one of the little Polish....she will be a Diluted Crele. It has an excellent vault...I am so happy

I am looking for a couple Barred Rocks and a brown Leghorn for a project. Hopefully I will be able to find some Aracauna eggs to hatch for it as well. tennesseecknut...you know of any??
I have some 10 week old barred rocks and an Aracauna Roo who is just the cats meow. Maybe we can work something out, I am in Cocke county. Heres a pic of Owly, hes the most curious bird I have ever seen, he'll stretch his neck out and look hard at ya with the old stink eye.
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