Eastern Tennessee Thread

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my collie however loved it when we went for a walk along the river walk, and he of course had to jump in the flooded river and swim at least fourth of way out into tough current, then bring back every piece of wood he could. only birds that wanted to go out were the owl pigeons and i wasnt having that. i got wet feet, but the important thing was my collie had a blast! even with those dense coats of his i dont know how he is so happy swimming around in this weather, sometimes coming out and having an ice armor coating, but bring him back into my always about seventy degree place, and he acts like he is dying of heat instead of relieved to be out of cold wetness. the half maine coon cat also swims in the river (seen her even cross it to avoid people and animals, and hunts fish or what ever, so soaking her when bad does nothing!), but not lately, and sticking to the shallows. anyone else's animals loving this weather?
My call ducks were freaked out last night when I finally got home and would not go in to be locked up. I chased them forever and finally said forget it after an hr. No sign of them this morning. Finally got the doors open to let the rest of the birds out but still can't get the door open yet to feed everyone. The power was off for 11 hrs and I have eggs in the incubator will they still hatch or are they done? I am over the snow.
My call ducks were freaked out last night when I finally got home and would not go in to be locked up. I chased them forever and finally said forget it after an hr. No sign of them this morning. Finally got the doors open to let the rest of the birds out but still can't get the door open yet to feed everyone. The power was off for 11 hrs and I have eggs in the incubator will they still hatch or are they done? I am over the snow.
Ughh, sorry to hear that. I had a time herding my ducks in last night as well. They really didn't want to go into a dark house. Power was out here for 12 hours or so as well.
My call ducks were freaked out last night when I finally got home and would not go in to be locked up. I chased them forever and finally said forget it after an hr. No sign of them this morning. Finally got the doors open to let the rest of the birds out but still can't get the door open yet to feed everyone. The power was off for 11 hrs and I have eggs in the incubator will they still hatch or are they done? I am over the snow.
I know the temp was down but how far did it drop?

At how many days are they?

Leave them for a few days and at least give them a chance.

I had a broody that got off the eggs at 19 days and the temp outside was about 15*
When I found the eggs they were like chunks of ice.
Brought them inside and let them warm up and then put them into a bator and hatched over 50%

My opinion give them a few days and see what they do.
You can always toss later.

Good Luck.
I know the temp was down but how far did it drop?

At how many days are they?

Leave them for a few days and at least give them a chance.

I had a broody that got off the eggs at 19 days and the temp outside was about 15*
When I found the eggs they were like chunks of ice.
Brought them inside and let them warm up and then put them into a bator and hatched over 50%

My opinion give them a few days and see what they do.
You can always toss later.

Good Luck.
If you give them a chance you might at least get some chicks, if you trash them now you'll for certain get none; so give them a few days at least to see how they candle or if they hatch depending how far along they are now.
I know the temp was down but how far did it drop?

At how many days are they?

Leave them for a few days and at least give them a chance.

I had a broody that got off the eggs at 19 days and the temp outside was about 15*
When I found the eggs they were like chunks of ice.
Brought them inside and let them warm up and then put them into a bator and hatched over 50%

My opinion give them a few days and see what they do.
You can always toss later.

Good Luck.

They are only 5 days in. The house got down to 50 not sure if the eggs got down that far or not. I am gonna leave them in and see what happens.
@ grawg: i haven had problems at all with the redtails, except mine hassleing them when they fly over, but think i lots my best capped breeding male flying flight, either to it or more likely it got lost or stuck out in this weather, but the rest of males came back, though two or one each day after the attack as weather was bleh, but assuming theyre able to find home by way of river next to me. one neighbor said one had flew into her apt, so maybe she kept him as she said she, her friends and fam all loved coming to watch and feeding them when out, but not that she had put him out or had tried to contact me to bring him back..

a friend of mine in jefferson county has started up with alpaca, and had gotten four free mini sicillian donkeys, two females and two males one of which gelded. she had had some slight worries seeing coyote in the pasture area just containing the horses and alpaca and other things partitioned and switched around, by hot wire. she hadnt had to train them at all except have me out to tame town and break to ride, and be harnessed. they were strictly pets by nice old man who could no longer care for or had to move from home, but soon after my friends got they had found one morn a coyote stomped or what not to death. so maybe some do better than others with stock, or was it the size of the alpaca, and horses ect kept with?
Most donkeys-including Mini's have the instinct to kill a coyote-- The problem can happen that the coyote over-powers the mini and kills it. I would guess that a team/pair of animals took down the coyote. Always helps if the Mini's are in good body shape so they can defend themselves, and 1 coyote is easier to kill than a pack. My farrier has told us about a mini he trims that is as round as he is tall. If these can be rode--they sound like stardard-size not Mini's. Wither height is under 36", best is 30" to 32".
My call ducks were freaked out last night when I finally got home and would not go in to be locked up. I chased them forever and finally said forget it after an hr. No sign of them this morning. Finally got the doors open to let the rest of the birds out but still can't get the door open yet to feed everyone. The power was off for 11 hrs and I have eggs in the incubator will they still hatch or are they done? I am over the snow.
It depends on how cold they got. That happened to me in a storm and I did not think they would ever get it back on. After about an hour I put a quilt over it to insulate it but it still got down to around 60 in the house...but the eggs where fine. Also it depends on how far along your eggs are. If they are over half way the eggs stay warmer longer because of the chick inside. Hope they are OK.
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