Eastern Tennessee Thread

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PMed you.
Yes we are definitely East Tennessee'ers. We are in Unicoi County - about 3 miles from NC. I never dreamed I would love little chickens
like I do. The mother hen in me comes out when we have the baby chicks - currently have some California Leghorns, some ISA Browns,
and some Black Sex Links. They are adorable. I'm so glad to see other people from our area into this chicken thing. My hubby has set the limit for me. He loves chickens too, but he knows how they win my heart and how I tend to want just one or two of another kind.
You know how that is - chicken addiction! ha-ha-ha!
No kidding... one or two of each kind and you'll be up in the thousands in no time!!! lol. ESPECIALLY if you break it down into colors of each breed... bantams, games, jungle fowl..... I wonder how many there actually is... someone count them?!?!
LOL.....Lets see; If you have 6 now, that is 24 by next year in chicken math. You might want to keep that chicken math thing a secret from him and just smile when he sets those limits. Oh yea....better tell him that chickens need 8 sq. ft. of coop PER HEN. that way you have room for the chicken math
Hey I have a question. Have any of you bought from Poultry Hollow? I am wanting to buy from them and get all my pullets at one time. Also want to make a day trip out of it. My son would love to go to the farm. Anyone's thoughts would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks so much for your time,
Tnchick and LadyKK. Lady I am not that far from you and we have friends that live in Unicoi. Went to the Apple fest this past year in fall.

Does anyone know when the Cocke county show happens? I know it is in spring but can not remember date ot time. We need to make plans for a gathering there.
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