Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Hi, well this feels awkward just walking into such a long thread, I feel like I am crashing a party. I just joined and it told me to find my people in my area, and it looks like you lot are stuck with me. I live near Johnson City, I'm India, and um, well, Hello!

EDIT: Oh no and it popped up on the top of a new page! I'm going to go hide now. :hmm
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Hello new people!! IMker --- beekeeping will be my next big adventure.

Picked up two new Del girls today... thanks tennesseeckn!!

Hope everyone is keeping cool.
No, thank YOU! I'm so glad they're going to someone who will take such great care of them and appreciate them. Talking to you gave me a hankering for some more, someday when I have more room.

They are starting to have a little more elbow room, but I still need homes for 2 Columbian Wyandottes, 1 GLW, 2 Buff Brahma Bantam cockerels, and a black cochin pair.

I was able to get a couple of pictures today. (I apologize in advance for the photo overload) Any silkie experts want to help me sex the buff? It's staying, no matter what, according to my daughter. We call it Speedy.



I got some SLW from Paul's Poultry and they are eight weeks old. I am really happy with the lacing they are already showing. And, yes, they do have heads, but they hop around like greased lighting and my little cell phone camera couldn't keep up.

This was the free chick they sent. Thankfully, it appears to be a girl. I'm sure I'll be having to find a home for her, too.

And of course, some of my big guys:

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