Eastern Tennessee Thread

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and by the way she said the police never showed up to make a report of it!

Unbelieveable! Well, they must be like the AC where I live. I called AC for 2 weeks to get the dog that jumped the fence and grabbed a hen. I described the dog accurately, down to the fresh wound under the left eye afflicted by the hen with wicked spurs which saved her life. Other than losing feathers along one side, she was ok. It was after I caught the dog 2 weeks later did AC come out.

Sorry to hear that woman's chickens were stolen and it's even scarier that they came back.​
its not racist, that Mexicans will actually eat them at least, instead of selling for food, booze or drugs. id actually feel better knowing my animals were killed quick by people with probably recent background in AG, and new how to quickly kill the stolen stock, and care decently for even as precious food, rather than meth and pill head rednecks etc.

Of course this is just my opinion, but I don't think its OK to steal. Anyone who needs help with food, has help with food. Even those who DON'T need help with food r on food stamps. So much fraud, people able to wrk just refuse. They let the governmt take care of them. I think if u r here illegally, u need to go home.

Know you didn't want to engage in the illegal debate but my husband is...I mean WAS in the contruction/langscaping business until the illegals took over both industries. We are struggling to find any work. The illegals that he deals with and used to work around are driving brand new pick ups with rims etc. And when I used to drive a lunch truck that went around to sell food at construction sites, they would always have huge wads of cash and would often try to pay with 100 bills. They are not poor here nor are they hungry. I have compassion for all ppl and wouldn't deny anyone food and would help in any way I could, but I will not condone anyone stealing my property. Especially when we are ALL struggling right now. Try to steal my chickens, and I will go "MADEA"on someone real quick!!!
That's weird that the cops didn't show... I have had to call them (mcminn county) 3 times in the last few days over chickens and they came fast each time. I was actually impressed with their response time.

I have been spreading the word. (I work in a feed store) One thing is funny to me... I really rather not say it outloud but it was suspicious today... some people came in who never been in for chicken feed before... only it was all scratch. I said (as I always do) "how many chickens do you have?" they said "72"

I'm sorry, but when I got over 40 chickens I didn't have a exact number in my head anymore. I found "72" weird. Anyone else with me... it wasn't like they thought at all... just a fast "72".... only scratch?!?! One bag for 72 chickens?!?

Maybe they just normally get their feed somewhere else... but still... it was noteworthy
tnchickenut - it does sound suspicious, did you get a good description of the people just in case? Sounds like something my neighbor would do... He has bantam chickens and has like a huge amount and knows the exact number and only feeds scratch... just sayin...

Stealing in my book is stealing, regardless. Of course if you're caught stealing and go to jail you get a few free meals... I also believe the illegals should be the ones struggling to find a job, because they're ILLEGAL! They came to this country to find work, avoiding getting caught, and now they're stealing others livestock earning a free meal. So.... let's see here, they don't pay taxes (because they're paid under the table I'm sure so they don't get caught), most don't have a bank account or car insurance, they're getting free meals (good ones at that!), and taking our jobs.... I don't even know HOW they get approved to buy a house, unless one of person is legal and the rest aren't.... Some stuff I just don't understand sometimes...
Of course this is just my opinion, but I don't think its OK to steal. Anyone who needs help with food, has help with food. Even those who DON'T need help with food r on food stamps. So much fraud, people able to wrk just refuse. They let the governmt take care of them. I think if u r here illegally, u need to go home.

Know you didn't want to engage in the illegal debate but my husband is...I mean WAS in the contruction/langscaping business until the illegals took over both industries. We are struggling to find any work. The illegals that he deals with and used to work around are driving brand new pick ups with rims etc. And when I used to drive a lunch truck that went around to sell food at construction sites, they would always have huge wads of cash and would often try to pay with 100 bills. They are not poor here nor are they hungry. I have compassion for all ppl and wouldn't deny anyone food and would help in any way I could, but I will not condone anyone stealing my property. Especially when we are ALL struggling right now. Try to steal my chickens, and I will go "MADEA"on someone real quick!!!

Know you didn't want to engage in the illegal debate but my husband is...I mean WAS in the contruction/langscaping business until the illegals took over both industries. We are struggling to find any work. The illegals that he deals with and used to work around are driving brand new pick ups with rims etc. And when I used to drive a lunch truck that went around to sell food at construction sites, they would always have huge wads of cash and would often try to pay with 100 bills. They are not poor here nor are they hungry. I have compassion for all ppl and wouldn't deny anyone food and would help in any way I could, but I will not condone anyone stealing my property. Especially when we are ALL struggling right now. Try to steal my chickens, and I will go "MADEA"on someone real quick!!!


I think most Americans r very generous people. If someone truly needs help, I don't know anyone who would not try to help, but don't take advantage.
Unbelieveable! Well, they must be like the AC where I live. I called AC for 2 weeks to get the dog that jumped the fence and grabbed a hen. I described the dog accurately, down to the fresh wound under the left eye afflicted by the hen with wicked spurs which saved her life. Other than losing feathers along one side, she was ok. It was after I caught the dog 2 weeks later did AC come out.

Sorry to hear that woman's chickens were stolen and it's even scarier that they came back.

So discouraging!
funny as some illegals in the same family will have one group really poor that are doing right and keeping low profile, while the ones doing wrong are living it up and never harrassed (probably because of money and based assumptions maybe on). the illegals also oddly you see never get stopped, as it can be illegal still in most states to stop and actually ask for current english and legal id, but the rest of us seem to get the slack pulled up for it. also the ever popular pretending to not speak english. i knew families of differant countries, and they actually teach their young children not to speak english in front of americans, as they get it easy then in school work and exceptions from the law. the houses are paid for in cash with large, up to half up front down payments (which is crappy also as most americans have to save forever, just to make minimal downpayments). though many do live without the basic things most americans spend alot of money on, so that ive found drastically decreases their bills. stealing of stock and produce i really just dont have an answer to as some like i said famiolies of cultures believe disgraceful as well as taking handouts. ive had some families help me out when they can, with my not being able to get out to do things cause not driving, and they wont even take gas money or exchange, and i feel bad, that i feel i should at least offer, but they get offended seeming, and insulted sounding. while others are wanting an arm and leg for something, so guess its just most are bad nowadays.. sadly. ill say the mexicans blamed for most, seem pretty harmless getting the crap jobs, than the russian and polish here illegally, as seen alot owning their own businesses and only hiring each other, were mexicans generally are wary of whites, but accepting once they get to know you, if they care to.
Hi SandraD. That's exactly why I don't remove spurs from my hens or roosters, nor do I clip wings. If something should get into the chicken yard, I want my chickens to have a chance to defend themselves or move away quickly until I can rescue them. The most unusual attack came from an game rooster that flew over my fence. Totally unexpected! Had the owner of the roaming Basset hound realized that the leash law applies to all dogs in the county, the game rooster would not have fled his yard and ended up in mine, a good ways down the road. My old rooster lost part of his left eye defending his flock, but he sure gave the other roo a good tail whippin' in the process. I have no idea who owns the Bassett, neither does the owner of the game rooster, nor do we know the general area where the dog lives.

A different dog owner has been better about keeping his dogs home after I gave him a tongue lashing. He told me he lets his dogs out at night to roam because the house up the hill was broken into one afternoon. I replied, "If your dogs are over in my yard, leaving piles on my front deck and flower beds...they're really doing a good job defending you and your property. If you want them to protect you, they need to be home to do it." He was speechless.

I love dogs and have 2 of my own; they go out on a leash because I choose to be responsible and set an example for the younger people. Plus, the older dog will take off down the road in a flash, following whatever scent trail he finds, and not paying one bit of attention to cars speeding by. He's a Coton de Tulear that thinks he's a hound. A dog with an identity crisis, I suppose. I can't trust that the driver who may be juggling a cell phone, or a cigarette, or a soft drink--who knows, maybe all 3--will be watchful enough to avoid hitting a dog, as it runs carefree down the road.
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I agree completely. Although if My Shepherd heard, saw, or smelled something not quite right he would bust through the french door to get out there; I still do not modify my birds in any way so as to give them a few seconds before the dog gets whatever it is. I would feel horrible if a "person" got hurt (he would def. do some damage before I could pull him off).....but then again no one strange should be in the yard either
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