Eastern Tennessee Thread

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ok, they are back on there. Cant find the really gross ones of giving her the anatomy lesson though. I triple dipped one of the feet in urethane and she kept it for a couple months before her brother threw it away saying it was gross...lol
PS. So your going to get your daughter to off them for you and you do the rest, LOL
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pers. I would much rather be east of Knoxville and enjoy my area immensely. I lived in Beaverton for a few months in 1991. I always said if I made one last move it was going to be outside Portland or the area I am in now

There are a few people on here that are closer to Chattanooga that will be able to tell you more. (Stacy??)
Welcome to our little corner.
Oh I should clarify that we're considering Chattanooga instead of some other place for two reasons: proximiy to my parents (outside Atlanta) and the TVA jobs that would hire my husband.
Hey tennesseckn want us to come off them for you ??
hatchet or really sharp knife. Give me a date we will help you process them just not on a tues or wed my primary work days.
That was one of my birds. She was a beauty and quite unexpectedly friendly....glad you are enjoying her. I'll have to dig out some of her "baby" pictures.
I would not count on the jobs. Also do not go by what you read on the net for land. Do not move down here without a job set up for there are next to none to be had in many fields. Those that are to be had are low income which this state is and by that $10 hr is high pay. No, I am not kiding. Chattanooga is a high tourist city things are more costly there than rest of the state. We do have a middle TN thread that covers that area. I am sure there are a few there that can help you out. Good Luck on your search.
We will definitely not move anywhere without a job lined up first. That's not the kind of move we would make, ever. It's just not an option for us. My husband has unique qualifications that would make it easy for him to get a job in a place like that but we won't move until he has one.
I agree with Bario. I had 9 orps that I processed the first time. Once you take that first step it is not as bad. I skin mine and it makes it easier. Take care of the entrails is probably the longest part of it. By the end I could process one in 15 minutes. If I had not had surgery I would not care one bit to come help you out. In the spring if you are still going to need help feel free to let me know! I am looking forward to reading the next few pages on how the show went. Now I can't wait til March...real bummer missing this one.
Hehe....hmm...guess you are talking to me? I am really looking forward to having it too. That is why I sacrificed going to the show and had knee replaced instead. This will give me both time to recoop and get things ready!! Will start making plans first of year and keeping everyone updated!
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