Eastern Tennessee Thread

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When I decided to process mine I found an excellent video on YouTube. It was VERY informative and very well done. They went from start to finish in great detail. It was a huge help to me. I had to watch it 4 or 5 times and take notes. Believe me Daphne...once you cut the first one..work on making sure your table is ready (keeps your mind occupied) while it bleeds out which only takes a few minutes. Put it on your work table and put the next one in the killing cone, cut it and go work on the first one. You are concentrating some much on processing that you don't think about the first steps on doing this. So...you can do it. I really doubted I could but...it truly is not as bad as you think.

But I can't even watch the kill cut in the videos!!!

I am that idiot who watches a movie where 430 humans die horrific deaths and I am fine, but if a dog gets its feeling hurt I start sniveling... My poor son is the same way. Old Yeller just about did him in.

Thats It I have had it....A bunch of us are going to sjow up at your place for an intervention. We will already have Nella loaded up and duct taped. We will be chanting "brain poke" and holding ice pics with your names on them.
When I decided to process mine I found an excellent video on YouTube. It was VERY informative and very well done. They went from start to finish in great detail. It was a huge help to me. I had to watch it 4 or 5 times and take notes. Believe me Daphne...once you cut the first one..work on making sure your table is ready (keeps your mind occupied) while it bleeds out which only takes a few minutes. Put it on your work table and put the next one in the killing cone, cut it and go work on the first one. You are concentrating some much on processing that you don't think about the first steps on doing this. So...you can do it. I really doubted I could but...it truly is not as bad as you think.

But I can't even watch the kill cut in the videos!!!

I am that idiot who watches a movie where 430 humans die horrific deaths and I am fine, but if a dog gets its feeling hurt I start sniveling... My poor son is the same way. Old Yeller just about did him in.

There was a thread on the meat bird forums that helped me. I think it was titled "How can you live with yourself?" A person unable to "do the deed" asked how others managed. The basic conclusion from my standpoint is that we should never take life for granted. Doing the kill should be difficult. To move the step beyond to be able to do it, THANK the rooster for giving his life to feed your family.

I think we can all agree we try to give all our animals a good life. Our birds KNOW what it means to be a chicken. Then they have one "very bad day" and their lives are ended with as little suffering and drama as we can manage.

I watched the guys pick up the "big company" chickens for processing. I won't get into a rant, but it wasn't pretty. The people were not trying to be mean. They see too many birds to care. I took a runt home. We put it in a tractor in our yard. It had never seen grass before. I was very upset by the whole thing. Even my middle daughter said "Mom, it has no clue it is a chicken."

We CARE is why we are bothered. I don't want my babies used for fighting of any kind. I don't trust strangers. So I'm stuck with processing one or two at a time for my family. I keep offering free meat to anyone that comes over to help. In two years I've had one helper.

Hope this helps.
But I can't even watch the kill cut in the videos!!!

I am that idiot who watches a movie where 430 humans die horrific deaths and I am fine, but if a dog gets its feeling hurt I start sniveling... My poor son is the same way. Old Yeller just about did him in.

Thats It I have had it....A bunch of us are going to sjow up at your place for an intervention. We will already have Nella loaded up and duct taped. We will be chanting "brain poke" and holding ice pics with your names on them.

Hahahaha. I am so glad I didn't read this last night! The nightmares!!!!

I know I've been wearing this topic out. DH told me last night that when I finally get up the nerve that I'm going to go on some sort of spree. He'll come home from work and I'll come up from the coop, all bloody, saying, "Took care of the roos... and the hens... and remember that cat we wanted to rehome?... and the dog sure had been eating a lot lately..."
And then think how much LOWER your feed bill will be! Lol

Come on, you can do it! Seriously, if I could afford the gas and time to drive to your place and help, I would. Maybe that is the key: help each other. I would have zero problem with doing the killing part on birds I haven't known since birth. Maybe some emotional distance helps.

Yes, Ole Yeller gets me, too. Imagine, in this day and age a certain company would never make such a movie with an unhappy ending.

Time to go heft a few big butt birds to see if they weigh enough to be worth processing yet. Oh yeah, and carry buckets of feed to their ungrateful selves. Chicken chores await. Have a nice warm day, y'all!
I'll have you all know I removed dead baby rabbits this morning all by myself! Lol. Okay, maybe I used something to scoop them out of the nestbox and tried not to look directly at them, but heck, it still counts....
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