Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Hi Everyone, I have a friend who is looking for a Barred Rock Rooster. If anyone close to the Oneida area has one for sale please contact me. Thanks.
1 or 2 I think, 2 of the eggs have 3 or 4 more days though... maybe more... I may see chicks tomorrow though since they're peeping through the shell!

Ohh exciting. How many days are left?
If you can trap the raccoon..you can relocate it without having to take it to a rehabilitate center. That is what my friend who does rehab suggested to me. You need to take them at least 4 miles away. This puts them out of any scents they are use to. Living to a neighbor like yours can be very upsetting. Have you tried putting up an electric fence?? Dogs sure do not like them.
I talk to our wildlife officers a lot and they told me the same thing. One told me there is overcrowding of them right now. It would help if they allowed hunters to hunt a larger limit. Incidentally...raccoon meat when cooked correctly is really nice. Where my mom is from instead of having bean or chili dinners...they have coon dinners. Hope things start working out better for you.
Ahhh... the joys of owning a fru-fru dog...

Snap is a flea magnet and as much as I try to do the granola-tree-huggy-organic thing, I pull out the big guns when it comes to fleas. K-9 Advantix is the only drops that I can use that won't make him sick and kill the fleas and I have to use it every 28 days, even in the winter. On day 29 he's covered in fleas again.

I talked myself out of a big dog... I was in line at the pet supply store to pay for my two bags of small breed dog food for Snap. Twenty pounds of feed for twenty dollars. The guy in front of me was buying food for his dog. The bags said it was for large breed dogs. Two fifty pound bags for eighty dollars!!! AND he was wrestling and sweating.

I think I'll just stick with my wimpy dog and electric fence.
Daph....living this far out in the country fleas have been an epidemic. Our Weirmeraner was so miserable along with 2 of the cats. I had tried drops...bathes..nothing helped. My vet told me about Convortis. It is a pill you give monthly that kills the fleas for that amount of time. It was wonderful!! That and bombing the house a couple times in the summer..in case we carried some in..and it keeps it under control. It sure was a lifesaver for us and the cost much smaller.
Wow everyone survive the storm ok last night? I didn't know that it was coming until right before it hit, so I had to secure everything in a hurry. Tonight it's supposed to get even worse. I may stick my rabbit Sharpie in with Rupert, the coop just seems safer them her hutch and Rupert likes bun buns.

As far as the fleas go have you tried neem and citronella oil? I used to work at a holistic grooming place a few years ago and we sold a product like that. You can even use them on top of your regular products so they aren't back by day 29. They are non toxic, make your pet smell good and great for pet with allergies. My 2 oriental shorthair cats get seizures from flea products and I'm sensitive to a lot of chemicals myself. Really cheap and easy, just get the oils at a natural food place or even cheaper online neem oil(around $7) and citronella oil($2). Get a spray bottle, the one you use in the garden or for hair, put a few drops of each in it, fill with distilled water and shake it up. Smell the mix and see if you can still get a pretty good wiff of the oils, if not you may have to add a few more drops. Then just spray it on, just make sure to cover the eyes and rub it in the coat a bit so it gets to the skin. Always spray front to back, otherwise the fleas will run to the face and hide in places that are harder to get to. If you use distilled water it should stay good for a while, just keep it out of bright light and heat. Also mixing garlic in the food helps. We have 2 cats, a big fluffy and a little dog in the house with a bunch of stray cats and wild animals outside and I haven't seen a single flea all winter and I haven't put any products on them since September I believe, just sprayed with oils once in a while, so something is working.
I checked the eggs this morning, and I almost was upset that the chick only had still been pipped and not zipping, then I noticed of the 5 eggs due to hatch I have 5 pips!!!!

Update: 1 chick out (didn't even notice it had started to zip!) now waiting on the other 4 pips.
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Hello Everyone,

Been off line for some time now fighting the mud. Had a good selling season over the winter, actually it was too good.

It seems that I sold ALL my Cuckoo Marans Roosters and now I am in need of a pure bred rooster.

If you have a "PURE" Cuckoo Marans Rooster for sell please send me a message.

Thanks everyone.
Did anyone else see this? I looked at the paper and that made my day. Johnson city is lifting their chicken ban. My boyfriend and I signed the petition for that at the farmers market. We don't live in JC, but we are close enough to get annexed soon I'm sure.

I had not seen that... good for Johnson City!! technically I live in Johnson City.... only it used to be Gray!! they are annexing EVERYWHERE.... I hope they never get the city limits out as far as I am, but they are getting close!
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