Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Here is one of my new peeps I picked up the other day. I would say 'sizzle fo shizzle' if not a double dose of frizzle. Poor girl looks mangy. Pretty sure it's a hen, she is already trying to sit on the babies that are 2 weeks younger then her, so cute
I was joking about bringing chicken

Bring what ever you like....

So lets just set it in stone...the 31st it is.
Im waiting to here back from barnqueen on the exact location / time. Im thinking kind of an early lunch so we can be there before anyone tries to nab our spot.
Everybody mark it on your calendars. I'll try to find the others and let them know also....have not heard from castrophoto, nella, and Lori for a while now.
Here is one of my new peeps I picked up the other day. I would say 'sizzle fo shizzle' if not a double dose of frizzle. Poor girl looks mangy. Pretty sure it's a hen, she is already trying to sit on the babies that are 2 weeks younger then her, so cute
Im not a huge fan of "mini's" but that one is pretty darn cute (in a weird sort of way) lol
You have a fellow big butt lover it looks like. I thought only your wide bodied girls could cover that many eggs.

A closer picture shows she has everything covered. And she isn't the biggest butt baby I have lol but she was the broody.

The favorite place to hang in the yard right under the bird feeder.
As you can see no one is skinny. I sold all my RIR's, Cali Whites and sex linked. Whats left is 3Ameraucans,5EE's,1black copper maran,1gaint cochin,1BO,all protected by a very large splash maran rooster. Pookey the cochin is the kids pet. Buffy the BO was going to go but she went broody that day. Maybe she knew! My chickens are spoiled.
I did it to make room for the new ones this year. Streamline the flock to chocolate and olive eggers. It will take a couple years. But this year offspring will be a good start. And I will have extra in a few months if all goes well. Black/blue coppers and EE olive eggers rooster will all go. Depends on how many pullets as to how many I will sell off. Got to keep my flock under 30 or I'll have to add on to the coop
Which is a project next year anyway I want to keep the EE's and Marans apart during breeding season next year and double my flock. It is so hard to find olive eggers and BCM in my area. I though I'd add to the pool!
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I am still here... but it is Contrastphoto not Castrophoto. I would love to come but I have to photograph three weddings that day! Crazy

Sure sounds fun... maybe next time.

ok.. I sent a pm to nella, Lori, cybercat, and tnchickenut. Letting them know whats going on and to check in with us. Castrophoto must be off the site now
I haven't posted to BYC in quite some time. It's good to be back. My female Pilgrim goose recently made an ill fated attempt at escape that left her on the wrong end of an electric fence. Unfortunately she did not survive. This has left me with one very lonely, very vocal Pilgrim gander who needs a girl friend. I have been checking craigslist regularly, but with no luck. I would prefer to find a female Pilgrim, but would consider most any female goose at this point. I am not interested in Chinese, African's or Sebastopols. If you have a female, or know someone who does, please drop me a line. I live about an hour northeast of Knoxville in Grainger County.

[email protected]
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I am still here... but it is Contrastphoto not Castrophoto. I would love to come but I have to photograph three weddings that day! Crazy

Sure sounds fun... maybe next time.

oops...no wonder I could not find you, LOL Sorry
P.S. Can you recommend any good reading for me to get better with our camera? We have a Sony DSC-H9 And I have been taking horrible shots lately with the auto setting. Im better with chickens than this camera
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