Eastern Tennessee Thread

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well downsizing all my rollers/performers to move, and only wanting one of the large sized type rabbit cages with the stacking stand and trays that slide out under neath (for the two paiers of flying flights im able to take with), if anyone has or can make one. otherwise the young birds/squeakers, and adults are free.. just asking hopefully theyll let to fly or be flown, as good flyiers and neat to watch, having zero trouble with these tough ones left with BOPs, and they love eating weeds and bugs.

Happy Easter everyone.
Well...I finally heard from the lady who does the farm sale at TSC in Kingsport. I was so upset. She asked what I was bringing and when I told her chickens she told me 28 people where already bringing chickens and I may be disappointed if I came since it was an hour drive.I kinda felt like she wanted to discourage me. But...how would be know the others was bringing the breeds I had. So...I went to the local flea market and got rid of most of the ones that did not make the cut for SQ breeding stock. Maybe I will try Kingsport another time. Looking forward to Newport. I have porcilean D'Uccles hatching right now!!!'

Aww I'm so sorry I didn't get to see you there! I ended up going with some of my "overstock" BR's and my Naked neck roosters. I sold everything but the naked necks and I DON'T want to process them. They are too pretty and weird and I really think someone would like them before it comes to that. Off to the QT hut for them boys.

EVERYONE had extra roosters they were trying to get rid of, you really couldn't even give them away. There were TONS of chicken people, and honestly there were not a lot of people that sold except for people with chicks (but they still didn't sell out) people with young hens just ready to be out of the brooder, and people with guineas. Silkies sold good too. If you were willing to make a deal (like $2-$4 a full grown chicken) for ALL of your chickens people would buy them all out early. I sat there until from 8:00 till 1:00 before I made a sale (people who wanted organic eggs were there buying eggs after 1:00 NO ONE sold many eggs till then and people had coolers full) Most people left at around 11. I stuck around till the end to see if there was a different crowd that came later. There was :)

On a slightly more quiet note, I processed my first roosters today. It was a very interesting experience. I helped a friend with hers because we both figured we would back each other up and both had too many roosters so we helped each other though it. It was not "FUN" and it was hard work, but I am glad to know now how to do this. I am tired of trying to sell my roosters and having to QT them for a month if they do not sell. I am glad to know that my food had a good life as well. I know that all do not agree with this, and that is fine. I respect that. Don't want to offend!!
Anyone have any guinea's for sale? I have a friend who wants a few to try and control the horrific tick seas we're already having. Send me a message so I don't miss it since i'm not getting notifications again for some reason.

I hope all had an enjoyable Easter
Blackie entertaining for eater today. Yes she is a cross of easter bunny and easter chicken. lol
What a successful ambassador she was, 3 people told me today they are thinking about getting chickens. One of my friends even inspected my coop design and researched some of the breeds I have

Too cute, he little guy in the pic is Mason kind of a nephew to me, he was so amazed with her that he forgot to look for eggs.
I just had to share that, happy egg day everyone!

Yay a bawk bawk!
@Barbedwire......I sell Blue Marans, D'Uccles, Silkies, Lavender Orps. and Polish. (Like my avatar). Would I have had a chance?? I did quite well at the flea market in spite of some set up with at least a hundred themselves. But the others where your regular variety, RIR, JG...etc. Everyone loved my Polish and they sold out quick as well as my silkies. I like having uncommon things. I like the strange and weird.
I was there from 8 - 12 and only came home with 7. But...I wonder if I would get a better price at TSC. I was going to take some to Knox. this weekend but not really enough left who are old enough.

I have decided to sell several of my laying hens. Now that I have my breeding stock I want to try to depend on them to pay for their feed and fencing. It is just too much work feeding..cleaning, shavings and feed to just sell 4-5 doz. a week. So...I am going to sell a couple of my Black Stars...they lay Jumbo eggs and these girls laid all through winter and are still laying. They may miss a day here and there but they are dependable. They do not seem to be the type to go broody as being over a year old none of them have.

Considering selling my Blue Andalusians. They lay a XL egg and are pretty dependable...also never been broody.

2 of my BFC Marans and last but not least...my Lav. trio. But one hen is broody and I need to fill one order before she goes.

1 Partridge Sizzle Silkie.

Hopefully I can get down to 6 laying hens. If anyone is interested PM me and we can go from there!

Well...here is another little surprise I found yesterday.

@Lori...I hope you pop on here...here is a pic of one of my chicks from the D.Uccles I have from you. What would this one be called as far as color and pattern?

Everyone have a great evening!
On a slightly more quiet note, I processed my first roosters today. It was a very interesting experience. I helped a friend with hers because we both figured we would back each other up and both had too many roosters so we helped each other though it. It was not "FUN" and it was hard work, but I am glad to know now how to do this. I am tired of trying to sell my roosters and having to QT them for a month if they do not sell. I am glad to know that my food had a good life as well. I know that all do not agree with this, and that is fine. I respect that. Don't want to offend!!

Congrats, it is hard work but the results are just yummy. Not a big fan of it myself, but sometimes you have to do what you have to do.
Ok guys, after we had the picnic at Panther Creek, I finally decided to count and see just how many I had.
Count turned out to be 72 adults.
Since then I had a guy come by and buy 11 (10 hens and a roo)
Yesterday another guy came by and bought 6 (hens).
End result down to 55.

Second man called back and said he would be back Friday for the Trey of Favorelles.
Also wanted to know if I would sell my Bev Davis French Black Copper Marans.
I first said no the changed my mind, and told him yes if the money was right.
He agreed to my price. Will be after them on Friday. So minus 4 more (3 hens and 1 roo).

Later another man called and said he wanted my trey of Buff Orppingtons.
He will be there Wednesday.

Me and dad decided to decrease our green eggers by 6 (5 hens and 1 roo)
Aslo have 7 odd roos and 2 odd hens, all going to I-81 on Saturday.

If all goes well by next Sunday we will be down to 30.

That is the least adults we will have had in almost 4 years.


Edited to add formerly AJACSKR
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