Eastern Tennessee Thread

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Terry.. ??

Clinical Findings:

These vary greatly depending on the course of disease. In acute fowl cholera, dead birds are usually the first indication of disease. Fever, depression, anorexia, mucoid discharge from the mouth, ruffled feathers, diarrhea, and increased respiratory rate are usually seen. Pneumonia is particularly common in turkeys.
In chronic fowl cholera, signs and lesions are generally related to localized infections. Sternal bursae, wattles, joints, tendon sheaths, and footpads are often swollen because of accumulated fibrinosuppurative exudate
TNbarnqueen - could be Mareks, theres more than one type.

TNbarnqueen - could be Mareks, theres more than one type.
I agree. I lost 3 chicks this year in a similar manner & although I never confirmed it I think it was Marek's. I purchased from a breeder everyoned seems to like but mine did not fair well. I never had a problem before & from what I have read Marek's affects pullets more than cockerels. I am sorry but I can't find the link should have bookmarked it
Bario, Power's been out and I have the best case of bronchitis ever!! If I keep coughing like this I'm going cough up something I may need later!! I would like 6 nipples--any thought on getting the girls to use them ?? I'll pm you my address.
Bairo - does the supplier you are buying from make ones for rabbits? I'm interested in making an automatic watering system for the buns, would be easier in the summer, have to work out the kinks of my idea for winter though!
TNbarnqueen - could be Mareks, theres more than one type.
The symptoms do not seem to match what mine have done. They have not problem with mobility or lesions. I am going to call UT Monday and see what they charge for test. It has been random...it could be 3 more weeks before I loose another one or not even at all. I have noticed a silkie cockerel that has become breeding age and was chasing all the young chicks and when he got hold of one was being abusive. But that does not explain the 2 who both died at the same time unless....it was the heat and the place they where laying was secluded and did not get any air from the fans. Really frustrating. I wish they showed more symptoms than just being fluffed up. They are perfectly fine and then..gone. All I can do at this point is pray.

i got the PM and will get them out to you. i took the water away for an hour and then put in nipple bucket. i tapped a nipple so it dripped and one of the hens came over to drink from the ground...when the drops kept hitting her in the head she looked up to see what I was doing. she then pecked it herself. you only need to get one of them to peck it and the others will follow. my young chicks pecked it 30 seconds after I put it in there without me doing anything. they say the chicks are easier to get going on it.... I have two 3 nipple buckets and a gatorade bottle with one in the cap for the chicks
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I've probably said it before, but I'll say it again. German New Hampshire pair for sale. Hen is 100% German, Rooster, is 50% German 50% American. He was shown successfully as a cockerel. Both are approximately a year old.

$50 as a pair if a BYCer wants them. They are heritage lines (Doug Akers), came from KathyinMO last year. I was going to keep a trio but have lost interest....then a hawk got the other hen. So now I am left with just the pair.

I am near Lenoir City......but will be driving to Cherokee, NC (via I40) next Saturday and can meet along the way somewhere if someone was interested.

I also have BUNNIES available! Lionheads as always, pt white bucks and does (pet quality or show/brood/pedigreed) and some black (PQ). Also have a netherland dwarf pet quality blue himi doe available.

Really wanting to place the New Hampshire pair the most...I would even take trades if you had something "good" LOL.
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