Eastern Tennessee Thread

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they're teeny tiny...not much eating there. Most people keep them as pets or use them in the bottom of bird cages/aviaries to clean up the mess. You can keep a pair in a very small cage. They sing and make noise and lay teeeeeeeeny tiny eggs. Neat.
see? I'd be the one person who complained about how difficult eating button quail was.
Terry, I too have been in a battle with some infection. It started about 3 weeks ago. Coughing, sneezing, running nose, fowl smelling stuff, raspy breath, Almost black runny poop, then a swollen eye that shuts. I put 3 down that didn't respond to anti-botics. I had 2 with swollen eyes but they bounced back. No one has the running nose anymore. But I still hear a sneeze every so often. Then I think here we go again. It didn't bother the older birds, just the 8-10 month olds. The lay rate hasn't slowed down. I have a hen broody atm and my Buffy hatched out 14 out of 15 eggs last week. Better than an incubator lol. The only one I still hear sneezing every so often is the 10 month old rooster. I held him down and his nose is clear no swelling of the face. I am puzzled over this. I did notice the coop was pretty dusty the week every one started getting sick. I cleaned it out and took the pressure washer to it. I did find a bunch of little red mites hiding under the edge of the perches. I haven't been removing them when cleaning. I do now. I also put seven dust under the hay. That, I think fixed their little red wagon! No one in the other grow out pen got sick. I lost 3 black copper maran pullets from what ever it was. In hind sight they may of bounced back if I gave them more time. I gave them 1 week in the hospital pen. They started eating and drinking again but their eyes where not opening. I made the judgement call.

By the way, I found out a blue copper maran over EE's produces all colors. The blue must not be dominate like splash. Everyone of the chicks are diffrent.

Yes the grass/weeds are a bit tall under the porch. But it is nice and shaded and cool under there. The chicken tractor fits well under there and when it is 100+ the chickens hang out under there and eat the grass/weeds.
Well....nevermind about the new hamp pair. Rooster got killed last night, along with my 2 barred cochin hens I've had 3 years :(

Only have 3 hens and 1 roo left. Gonna put a hurting on some possums tonight.
Opossums kill chickens? I didn't know that. I thought they just went after eggs. How about skunks do they kill chickens too? I had one dig under the chicken tractor this week. It couldn't get in but left its calling card.
Well....nevermind about the new hamp pair. Rooster got killed last night, along with my 2 barred cochin hens I've had 3 years

Only have 3 hens and 1 roo left. Gonna put a hurting on some possums tonight.
That just bites.

Good hurting to you.

Leave a couple of eggs lying on the ground and break 1 open so they can smell it and its open season.

Sorry if I offend anyone but I have NO tolerance to predators. I have too much time and effort invested for them to just take what they want.
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That just bites.

Good hurting to you.

Leave a couple of eggs lying on the ground and break 1 open so they can smell it and its open season.

Sorry if I offend anyone but I have NO tolerance to predators. I have too much time and effort invested for them to just take what they want.

I completely agree. We tried to keep guineas but when we turned them out something picked them off 1 or 2 at a time. I finally sold the last 2 so maybe they would have a chance. I am not sure if it was a neighbor's dog or a fox. The reason I say dog is because it would take one & leave the other kill.
So I say any predator caught whether it be the neighbor's dog or wild its open season at my house. I also do not mean to offend anyone but being a responsible pet owner to me is keeping your dog/s on your property.
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