Eastern Washington

Thanks. I'm so glad we got an egg so soon. She'd been going and checking since we brought them home on Saturday to see if there were any eggs. She carted that egg all over the house for awhile. This week in pre-K the letter is E, so on Friday she can bring something in for sharing that starts with that letter. I think I'll print off the picture of her with the egg so she can take that in and show everyone her "egg."
I'd love to go to the show, but Saturday is just going to be too busy. We've got an egg hunt for the kids at our church and Sunday is DH's b-day, so we're going to go out on Saturday to celebrate. Grandma is coming over to watch our brood. Yay!
oh chickenwings so sorry... oopsie my bad... was catching up on past posts and read where one of your pullets had died... getting used to this site!
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We have our first egg!!! My 5-year-old was thrilled to find it when we got home this afternoon.

Hurray! How exciting!
I see there is going to be a Chick sale and Poultry seminar this Saturday the 30th at Benton-Franklin Fairgrounds. open 9:00am, free
We are going to go take a look, see what they have.
Now I wish I had a BYC button to wear.
Thats just right up the street from where I live. I would go but I have to work. It sounds like lots of fun!!!
Thanks. My daughter just came in with a still-warm egg from Bowtie, her brown chicken. So it looks like we've got one of them laying. Hopefully the second one will start soon.
Sadly, I lost my Jenni-O (Turkey poult). I think the goslings were too obsessed with their feathers and plucked some out on its rear which made it bleedand then got picked on more. I tried nursing it but had to put it down. Waterfowl and terrestrial are now separated. Lesson learned :'(

Aw, I'm sorry to hear about Jenni-O (she had an awesome name btw)
oh chickenwings so sorry... oopsie my bad... was catching up on past posts and read where one of your pullets had died... getting used to this site!
Thanks, your condolences are appreciated nonetheless!

The other two girls seem happy & healthy, spent the whole day outside today.

On my way home from work today I had a collision with a girl who was playing with her iphone and skateboarding. She slammed into the side of my car at an intersection & smashed my windshield with her head.. I was told she will be ok but still am worried. It was so scary. Taking a mental health day tomorrow & having an auto glass place come out to fix my window while I'm at it.
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