Eastern Washington

Yes...it's for buying/selling/trading. You don't have to bring anything or trade with anyone. It's kind of like a chicken-holic's convention! LOL

The last one I coordinated, we just stuck to waterfowl/poultry and related-items--like incubators, brooders, coops (yes, someone brought some little tractors!) and hatching eggs...chicken-themed decor, jewelry, etc...pretty much anything chicken.

They are planning a big one in Oregon at the end of October--I wish it was closer...it's going to be awesome.
I've been really worried about my chickens with 3 weeks of smoke and mostly extremely hazardous air. However, my girls have shown no signs of stress. I think my air has been a tiny bit better up at 1200 feet elevation in East Wenatchee. AND today has dawned clear and wonderful. This last week has been much better on the whole, too.
Thank you for asking :)
I, personally, LOVE the idea of a chicken swap. I have many different breeds and have developed favorites I never knew I'd have and have too many of some that I find boring that maybe someone else likes, etc... Where do you suggest we hold it?
PS I love the suggestion to use lipstick on their...ahh, errr...vents, he he! I have observed them obsessively and have figured out whose are whose. They lay the same shaped egg just not always the exact same shade. I have a lovely chart now where I track each girls accomplishments. I also note which time of the day they lay and that helps too with pinning down an unknown egg. Then I can check it with the next day's observations of who is laying and when.
What breeds do you have? I was thinking of having it somewhere in Wenatchee--maybe at a park?? Somewhere we won't have to pay to rent and won't get kicked out for having lots of poultry around. Of course, we'd have to get permission first...but I think it's very do-able. :)
I have Production Reds (sold to me as Rhode Island Reds), Barred Plymouth Rocks, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, Australorps, and one Silver Laced Wyandotte. I actually only have 12 chickens altogether.
I've really grown to like the Easter Eggers. I have two. One just started laying last week and the other is so sweet and is my favorite out of all my chickens.
I'll try and think of venues too and let you know if I have any ideas. That'd be so cool if I could get my hands on an incubator.
I have Production Reds (sold to me as Rhode Island Reds), Barred Plymouth Rocks, Easter Eggers, Buff Orpingtons, Australorps, and one Silver Laced Wyandotte. I actually only have 12 chickens altogether.
I've really grown to like the Easter Eggers. I have two. One just started laying last week and the other is so sweet and is my favorite out of all my chickens.
I'll try and think of venues too and let you know if I have any ideas. That'd be so cool if I could get my hands on an incubator.
Well, you're close enough that I could also hatch out for you. :) I have a Brinsea and so far I'm getting pretty high hatch rates with shipped eggs in it...

Yes, I'd be interested in figuring out where we could hold something like this...I'm sure there's a park or something...we'll just need to get permission....maybe?

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