Eating insulation??


In the Brooder
10 Years
Feb 10, 2009
my chickens have eaten the pink foam insulation off the celing of the coop and wont stop i tryed to make it in accessable to them but they find a way! if they eat the foam will it hurt them? I havent seen any problems yet they are perfectly healthy but I just wasnt sure about the insulation!
chickens will eat any styrofoam, anywhere, anytime.. I learned the in a very exensive way..

I cleaned my hovabator and leaned it against the house to dry.. an hour or so later I went to get it and half of the lid was eaten away,,
and part of the bottom, also..

I know I and others have posted this warning previously on here, apparently you missed it..
yes i did mis that post beccause I had joinded a while ago and them forgot my password then i had to re register which took some time because of slow interenet But this is my first time rasing chickens and this site has helped alot my old user name was *UPgirlRockHound* and I was mad that i couldnt get my password back
It does not seem to hurt them . However I cannot imagine that it is good for them, either..

there is no way to stop them..

you just have to make it impossible for them to get to it.. like sheathing over the walls and ceiling with boards or plywood..

I see this is your first post.. welcome to the group..

Mine ate a 1/2 wall of syro
even the shiney paper that covered the styro, It was the gable end of the roof. yuk... but their fine so far. When they were small my son would drop small round BB pieces in the coop and they would go nuts chasing each other for it.
Yep mine love it too!

I havent had any real problem but they have only ever gotten into a little bit. I have a silkie that is a good sweeper. I can always hear if she hs gotttn a peice of styfaphome from under something. Then I can get it from her.

I would sheet over the insulation with plywood. You could even disasemble pallets that people dont want anymore for a cool beadboard/plank look.

Always looking for cool on the cheap!

Good luck.

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