Economy bout some free eggs? PA - WINNERS pg 14

My son has been wanting some buff orps for months now. So far we've purchased about 5 dozen eggs from different sources. We've just plain out had terrible luck with them. We've hatched chicks with feathered feet, dark stripes, and even one solid white chick. So not only did those chicks have to be rehomed the hatch mates that appeared pure did too. As of right now he has 2 chicks out of 60 plus eggs. He'd love one more chance to hatch some "gold chickens".
Well i would love some as i am trying to get our family where we can have all the chickens and eggs we want and sell and a few to out family and friends
We have a plan that in the next 2 years to growing and selling things so i can cut back on my night work
And so that my daughter can grow to know real food that we have grown and raised our selves
if i could choose i would take turkeys but i am not picky any thing works for me
and thanks for doing
I just want to say what a wonderful thing you are doing. Even though i would love to have some of your eggs, i feel there are more deserving people out there then me and wish them all good luck.
How wonderful and generous!!! I've been admiring your lavender orpingtons since I first started on BYC... they're beautiful! My oldest son (he's 3.5) helps me with the chicks we have now and I know he would be absolutely enthralled with the hatching process.
In life the most important thing is not what you get, but what you leave. That is great that you can share your bounty with others; there is nothing more rewarding than the feeling you get when you give or share with people. Perhaps this might start others who would be willing to share their good fortune to follow your generous offer?
First off let me give you a big
! I have always (well, at least ever since I became a member of this great site) admired you birds. You must have the patience and dedication of a saint to keep so many projects going. And, I know the "poultry world" gained an asset the day you held your first baby chick!
Was that start good enough? See, I have to be really nice to make sure you understand what a fantastic person I am, and how much I admire you

Now on to my "pretty please".....
Pretty Please may I have a dozen Araucana eggs! This fascinating breed, bred by a fascinating person (say that three times fast!) would make me over-joyed to own --me-->

Once upon a time I met a lady who had a perfect little Araucana pair for sale, but being the selfless person I am, I let a family with four kids buy them (mainly because the youngest would have been in tears if I'd chosen any other option!).
But, ever since that day, I have promised myself to somehow, someway, somewhere (that reminds me of a song....) locate the best source for these beauties and finally add them to my menagerie

Thank you for this awesome opportunity - to whoever you choose
oh my! all the generousity this month!!! you are sooo wonderful!

I am in love with your lavender orps... such a pretty color! My daughter is 4 years old, and she knows all the breeds of chickens here on my farm... She loves them as much as i do. I would love for her to be able to watch some GORGEOUS lavender babies hatch. She has to be involved with everything i do.... heres a pic of her and her pet roo. and a pic of my son who loves them too! Im asking for her sake for these eggs! P.s. I would LOVE jenlynns eggs too, her stock is sooooo gorgeous. But if i won i would take your orps and give away the buff silkie eggs to someone else


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This is so wonderful of you all! Thank you for doing this!

I don't need any eggs. So my post is to tell you that this is such a blessing!

Thank you again for giving hope to others!

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