Egg bound

Yes,keep doing warm water soaks for about 30 minutes. What you felt may be a soft shelled egg,there is a membrane that covers egg contents before outer shell is formed or not formed properly. Or you might be feeling the cloaca.

Keep lubricating vent,try and get a bit inside vent,but be careful of soft shell.
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I agree with ten chicks about the soaking and trying again. Is she a large fowl or bantum? My Polish is one of my smallest birds and after soaking and lubricating, I was able to insert a well lubricated index finger just past the first joint in my finger. I would put more oil on my finger and try and gently rub/ apply it around as much of the egg as possible. I had been told that they lay the large (fat) end of the egg first. There is also a membrane just at the vent. My Polish's egg could not be laid past it. I just just adding more lubrication with my finger. It did take a little while and she was exhausted when "we" got it laid.
I got in a little further... She acted like it hurt a lot. ??????? So frustrated! So she lubed. Got more calcium warm bath and blow dry. I'll just put her in her warm box and see what happens.
Be patient. When you are checking her, is she trying to push the egg out at all? When I had first started with mine, she wasn't pushing, but as she got more lubricated (we were dripping oil) she started to try and push more to help.
Also, I am sure it is uncomfortable, but is she just not liking the being held and confined in an awkward position while you do this? Not trying to lecture, sometimes we (me especially) can get caught up in the situation and forget to take a deep breath. Don't give up.
She's a skinny Henny Penny chicken. Not sure what breed. Should I keep messing with her vent even if it's uncomfortable for her? And should I just keep going until she lays the egg?
Wait a bit,then try again with soaks,let her sit for at least 30 minutes in warm water. This egg has to be expelled.

Is a vet an option?

If she is starting to appear stressed,give her some electrolytes.
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If the egg breaks,gently remove shell(you will have to check internally)flush out vent internally with a diluted vinegar/water solution this helps flush out egg contents and with bacteria,but often an infection can result from egg contents left internally.

Worst case scenario is you might have to puncture egg in order for it to collapse and be expelled.

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