Egg looks like a childs finger!!!

Chick named Lola

9 Years
Aug 15, 2010
So, it appears I have a broody hen. No eggs for the past three days. I found her today in the coop singing the eggs song with a look of relief and this was underneath her...


I opened it up and it was rubbery on one end (the fingertip end) and the other side cracked like an egg with only the white.
They have plenty of oyster shell, I fill it every day. I think she may not be eating as much because of the heat...dunno:confused: It was pretty wild though. Boy did she look 100% better after she laid those!
yeah, that is disgusting. I have 3 chicks at the moment, 3 more on the way. I am getting more grossed out by the minute. LOL BUT at least I know what to expect...and not to tell my older sister who really does puke when I mention these fun tidbits about egg laying chickens. She almost lost her lunch at the mention of the word "vent." If she saw these pics she would probably stop eating eggs.

On the other hand, I am glad your hen is okay after this, it looks like she was stopped up pretty good.

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