Egg Sellers--How's Your Business?

I've just started selling my eggs, and I put 4 eggs in a lunch bag and a note stating my story and how much the eggs were and my phone number. Then I started giving out this "sample" to friends, co-workers, and anyone who would take them. Its worked and I'm finally getting customers. I also have a sign in a near by coffee shop where there are tabs at the bottom where they can rip off my phone number and take it with them. And I have a sign in my yard.
It’s the economy; Folks would rather pay 1.00 a dozen at the big box store than to have healthy farm raised eggs. Freeze your surplus and let the people that don’t know better eat what ever they want.
The store I sell eggs to have doubled their order. At this point I can not sell to people "off the street". Not until my pullets start laying........need more chickens.
No problems selling eggs here. We charge $2-3 / dozen and people are waiting, waiting, waiting... we are getting 9 more egg layers in April that should come on line with eggs about Aug- Sept.

We sell our eggs to our dentist's staff (4-6 dozen every 2 weeks if we had them), a local cafe that serves mostly local ranchers (they would like up to 6 dozen per week), miscellaneous co-workers, friends, neighbors who all know everyone is lucky to get one dozen per month. I only have 6 RIR hens right now. And an average day is 5 eggs. That's only 12 dozen per month.

We deliver our eggs too. Many of the customers are my co-workers, so that's easy enough. The dentist's office is on the way to DD college, that's easy. The cafe is where my DD has lunch on the days she works, easy. Friends and neighbors are always on our route going somplace, we leave a cute little decorated envelope with the eggs, they return the envelope with payment to a basket hanging by our front door and know when they do that it puts them back on the waiting list.

I don't like the idea of putting a sign in front of my house for a few reasons. One, there are malicious people in the world (and some rowdy teenagers!) who might want to "visit" my chickens when I'm not around. Also, putting up a sign might cause someone in county government to think I need to pay for a business license. Not to mention the fact that I'm not wild about every Tom, Dick & Harry knocking on my door to buy eggs...don't feel safe about that because I work at home alone quite a bit and my DD (college age) is home alone sometimes when she doesn't have classes or work. Lastly, I will only sell eggs to people who know that eggs come out of the same orifice as the chickens' waste and therefore natually contain bacteria, at least on the shells. If you need your eggs sanitized then please buy them at the grocery store.

In the meanwhile, DD who runs the egg business reminds me that we're eating the profits whenever I bake or cook with our eggs. So I agreed to let her have a handful of silkies for pets. At least no one will want those small eggs and I'll get to eat eggs again!

Our nine new egg layers are 3 Delawares and 6 EE's. I hope they mature quick!
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I started out by putting an ad on craig list (I had to post it every 3 days or so), hubby made me a sign but I havent put it out, and I made little ads up on my computer posted locally. I have more customers then my chickens can handle 9waiting list), we havent had eggs for ourselves in a month so I had to remove all my ads and I still got people calling me because of word of mouth. I sell them for $2 dozen but most give me $3 a dozen. I also deliver once a week. I just wipe off the dirt and if there still is more I use a wet paper towel. Keep trying!
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Sorry to hear that you are having trouble. I am lucky. I have a grooming shop here in Northeast Louisiana. I have been giving them out to clients and family. I only have 5 laying hens right now. I have 11 pullets coming up. I know that I will not have problems. Since I give them to clients I get to write off the chickens. They are my pets and I enjoy caring for them.

Right now in our stores brown free range eggs are 2.09. If I were going to sell them it would be for 2.00.

Good luck.

I sell eggs wholesale to the University and to some restaurants. The request for our eggs far outstretches my ability to supply them. I added 600 more chicks this spring and am worried that may not be enough. On another note don't sell your eggs to cheap remember you have to cover costs. The store eggs they sell for $1.00 or less can be up to 6 months old. I sell ours at $2.25 wholesale and $2.75 retail.
I also have a waiting list. I've got 12 BO hens and 9 BCM hens, 6 EE hens that are laying regularly and still don't have enough to supply the demand.
I sell them at the barn where I work, usually 2 to 6 dozen a week and hubby sells them at his work 6 to 8 dozen a week when we have them. Also gave 2 friends a dozen each BCM eggs to hopefully hatch out. Am getting anywhere from 15 to 21 eggs daily.
I need more hens too but waiting to get the $$ for one last coop.
I'm selling mine for $3.00 per dozen, people say they'd pay more because they like them so much, but with the economy like it is I don't feel right charging more.
I make enough to cover my feed, shavings and anything they need plus put a bit back for my "building fund". I'm happy with that.

Keep trying, when I first started I always gave the 1st dozen free so they could try them. Now I don't have to. Good luck
You may be right about the economy ....some parts of the country are struggling more than other parts. I live in an area that the economy is still pretty good. People in my area are willing to pay $4-$7 lb for local pasture raised chicken,$14lb for local fresh lamb chops and any where from $3.25-$5.00 for eggs.

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