Egg Sellers--How's Your Business?

Thank you everyone for contributing to this thread. I lost my first batch (5) chickens and had to get a minimum order ($25) which ended up being 14 chickens. There is just three of us and well, that is a bunch of eggs. I love hollandaise sauce as much as the next girl, but gee whiz! I've been wondering what to do with the extras. My girls are only 3 days old, so I've got some time.

I was careful to get only one breed (Light Brahmas) because I love them and they are pretty hard to come by around here. Most places only get the RIR's, Americauna's, Dominiquers and Sex Links. If you want anything besides that, you are looking at a min order. Hatching out chicks is probably a good route for me to go.

Again, thank you all for your great ideas.
I Keep the small eggs.
Med eggs $1.50/doz
lg eggs $2.00 /doz
Xlg eggs $2.50 /doz
Jumbo eggs $3.00 /doz

I sell out daily so am getting more birds soon.
I have in the past put eggs in the freezer. They will crack when they freeze but I used them mostly for baking. They peel easy when frozen and thaw out pretty quick.
I dunno what's going on but I can't keep eggs in the house right now. I was glad to see 5 dozen in the frig. the other day and was going to call a neighbor who likes to buy in large quantities, only to have two different people show up and buy them all.
I need more chickens!
This thread has been so informative for the next stage of my flock...

I want to thank all of you who have shared your trade secrets instead of keeping them to yourselves... Good People!!!
What a gift I've received today....To All Of You!!!!

In time...I will be sharing my experiences with egg selling ....
i havent had any trouble getting rid of any eggs , we sell ours for 2.50 doz and usually have to scramble around and cut ourself short to fill the orders. We get around 16-18 eggs a day and that will increase alot very soon i have about 25 legs and 15 rhodes and some other chicks about 4 weeks away from laying freinds and neighbors keeps up busy Ron
Just sold 27 dozen last night. Our hens laid 1100 eggs last month. Yes it has slowed down on the sales and I have had to cook up a few hundred and feed them back to our flock but luckily we have had enough buyers to take most of them.
If you have little weekend farmers markets near you that is a great place to sell the eggs. Usually sell out in under 2 hours at an average of 25 to 30 dozen at $3 per dozen. Hey, it buys some chicken feed.
I ordered some address labels with my farm name and email address on them. They are small and cheap and go easily onto the recycled cartons I get from family and friends.

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