Egg Song! Glorious Egg Song!

Well, guess what? We waited for 26 weeks for the first layer. Others are 27 weeks and still waiting. Patience. Cute icons.

Now I'm REALLY depressed!!
(just kidding!)
Got another green egg today from the same EE hen. It's larger than Saturday's egg. I just happen to go out to the coop and saw her lay her second egg. She didn't start to sing the "egg song" until she left the coop. She ran to the shade tree singing and then all the hens starting running toward to coop to check it out.
Okay - I have to share this somewhere - and I think everyone else in my life is getting tired of hearing about chickens and eggs (lol) -- yesterday we got an almost perfectly round egg the size of a golf ball, and then here is today's newest layer's contribution -

Yes, that is the egg, under the quarter, lying in the bottom of the carton section

Side by side

and, now, nest to today's biggest egg

We are three eggs shy of having THREE full egg cartons in the fridge now --- this weekend we get to gift our first eggs to the neighbors on either side of us.
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Congrats on all your layers! It's so much fun listening to them...even our 5mth old rooster joins in lol (maybe he's confused haha)
I'm loving the egg song every morning lol. Right now we still only have 1 of 13 pullets laying but a couple are getting really close. Well, the one laying is the only girl who will sing the egg song after she's done but a couple of the roos gladly join in and sing with her. It's such a cute chorus! We have her (silkie) goosey voice, then our old English game Bantam roo's high pitched voice, and our blue copper marans roo ' s "normal" voice all singing. DH and I just laugh and join in to keep them going lol
I only have Ida the soprano, singing to the tune of "Surry with the Fringe on Top". But I suddenly have accumulated a few "hummers". They wander around the coop, investigating every chicken that's assumed the egg laying position, whether that be in the nest or on the floor of the coop. As they wander they sorta hum.....I don't know how else to describe it. It's not a cluck, or a squawk, or a BWARRRRK or any of those sounds. It's just a sort of monotone "nyeta nyeta, nyeta" sound. Different chickens, different pitch and volume, but the sound is the same. So far I've identified two EE, one Golden Laced Wyandotte, and one Buff Orpington doing the serenade. And yes, they are laying as well, but they don't make any other sound but that one. Ida (Red Sex Link) belts out her egg song. Mathilda, an EE, has a low pitched song but it's easily identifiable as an egg song, and she's pretty set on making sure everyone knows she's just done something remarkable. What the heck those others are doing is beyond me.
I only have Ida the soprano, singing to the tune of "Surry with the Fringe on Top". But I suddenly have accumulated a few "hummers". They wander around the coop, investigating every chicken that's assumed the egg laying position, whether that be in the nest or on the floor of the coop. As they wander they sorta hum.....I don't know how else to describe it. It's not a cluck, or a squawk, or a BWARRRRK or any of those sounds. It's just a sort of monotone "nyeta nyeta, nyeta" sound. Different chickens, different pitch and volume, but the sound is the same. So far I've identified two EE, one Golden Laced Wyandotte, and one Buff Orpington doing the serenade. And yes, they are laying as well, but they don't make any other sound but that one. Ida (Red Sex Link) belts out her egg song. Mathilda, an EE, has a low pitched song but it's easily identifiable as an egg song, and she's pretty set on making sure everyone knows she's just done something remarkable. What the heck those others are doing is beyond me.

Bonus points for musical reference - one of my favorites to boot!
Holy CHICKEN! The instant I got back in the house just now I had to post! I go out every morning to let the girls out into their run and give them a little it's warm oatmeal with some black sunflower seeds sprinkled on top, one of their favs. Okay, so I'm talking to them and they're all staring at the bowl...I set it down and they instantly dove in. They were acting so sweet this morning I bent over to pet one of them ... and.....

SHE SQUATTED!!! She really, really squatted!!!

I think I know why, too. Yesterday I built their 2 nesting boxes. I always set myself up right by the run...they watch...I talk...back and forth. So all morning I'm building these and I'm pointing at them and telling them "these are for you to lay your thousand-dollar eggs in...see???" They spent almost the entire morning lined up in a row against the hardware cloth watching intently while I built them.


Edit: The openings to the nesting boxes are closed off...should I open them up????
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How funny, I sit and talk to my girls all the time!!! They eat out of my hand, when I go out I start with Good morning girls and they all start bawking...Like as to say good morning what yummy treat do you have for us today!! I have had them now for 4 weeks and they are now trying to follow me out of the run, so I told them this evening I will let them out to explore!!
Quick question for the seasoned chicken ppl here...How long to let a 50lb bag of feed stay around?? I have had this one 4 weeks and its still 1/4 left...should I toss it and buy a Fresh new bag?? They dont seem to be to interested in it unless I am just not seeing them eating it....

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