Egg storage

Amazingly, the fertile eggs are $10-12 a dozen! So I guess they are pricey here! ... I assumed you meant she pays you more than $2/dzn and miskeyed. :)
I could easily sell that many a week and still have plenty left, barring chicken deaths. I have 14 happy hens. Got 10 eggs yesterday! :) 
The only thing is they aren't huge eggs, which makes a difference I am sure. 

yea, I miss keyed. :oops: the one lady gives me $4/dz.
I've got 28 layers, giving be about 3 doz every 2 days, give or take a dozen each wk. They're great!
I've definitely started from scratch here.  I am a born and raised total city slicker. :lol:   All the way up to 2011, when my new hubby and I got chickens.  His idea.  It was 13 six week old half wild OEGB's.   And then.....and THEN...he had the nerve to go off to work, and hour away, and leave me all alone with these half wild game birds.!!!!!!!    :th

Well, 7 of them cute lil' babies all reached testosterone sexual  maturity...all in the same morning.    :barnie

Fast forward 2.5 yrs later......we have one game hen left.   In 2012, we bought 11 local chicks....8 are Plymouth Rocks..and one is an EE rooster.  And we had 2 Barred Rocks.
 This past next door neighbor lady friend gave me 3 of her 7 month old cockerels.  1 Barred rock cockerel, and one RIR cockerel.  The other third one, the agressive one....he got to be supper.  :drool

Now, my point being is......I have also learned to cull and process live birds.  As well as raise them, keep them healthy and content.  If I can do it...anyone can!!  :ya

You have done very well! :) It is wise to be able to grow and/or hunt your own food and kill and process it. Should real hard times hit you and your family don't have to get hungry.
Yes they are! This month I've been sick twice after dining out. I'm going to be much more careful where & what I eat when dining out in the future

I haven't had that happen in a good while, thank goodness. That ticks me off to pay for food then end up sick. You ought to get your money back! ...I'm cheap... ahhh very frugal. LOL
You have done very well! :) It is wise to be able to grow and/or hunt your own food and kill and process it. Should real hard times hit you and your family don't have to get hungry.

X2! As much as I love my chickens, I also love to eat chicken, and I'd rather eat my own, knowing they were happy and healthy. Just like deer to me.
Oh, and let me get this straight. If I do NOT wash our eggs (for eating), they will last on our kitchen counter in room temps between 60-80 degrees for approx. 3 wks. Then wash them just before eating? Or place them in fridge at that time after doing the "Floating egg" thing (whatever that Lord give me strength. I have soooo much to learn!!!!!

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