Egg storage

Don't buy them they're so expensive. I needed some and asked for used egg cartons on craigslist in return for a dozen eggs. In less than 30 minutes a nice lady messaged me. She gave me about 80 cartons because she also keeps chickens and people give her cartons all the time.
You can keep eggs on the counter for 4 to 6 months unwashed. I don't have a/c in my house and have had eggs on the counter for a couple months in 80 to 100 degree days and the were still good. The float test is placing the egg in a bowl of water and if it sinks its still good. If it floats its bad. I scramble the floaters and give it to my chickens. They absolutely love it and they'll fight over the last few scraps. I also break up all the shells and put them in the feed dish.
I found a best of eggs my EE hen had been building up while she was free ranging. There was about 10 and she was the only one laying there and they were in 80-90f heat until I found them. All passed the float rest :)
My neighbors free ranged chickens like to visit my property and I found a large bunch of eggs ... I didn't know much about gathering fresh eggs and tossed the first batch I found (close to 30) and then I found another batch (about 15) and I looked up how to tell if an egg is good .. I did the float test all sank on their side and I also cracked one open on a plate and the white looked normal. I don't know how long they were in the nest. The weather has not been hotter than 76 and mostly in the upper 60s - low 70s or cooler. Do you think they are safe to eat?
My neighbors free ranged chickens like to visit my property and I found a large bunch of eggs ... I didn't know much about gathering fresh eggs and tossed the first batch I found (close to 30) and then I found another batch (about 15) and I looked up how to tell if an egg is good .. I did the float test all sank on their side and I also cracked one open on a plate and the white looked normal. I don't know how long they were in the nest. The weather has not been hotter than 76 and mostly in the upper 60s - low 70s or cooler. Do you think they are safe to eat?

I would say they are safe to eat.
There are numerous books and articles by professionals stating that eggs are porous.... meaning, please dont use markers... many things states that pencils have been found to be the only write on method that does not encourage the start of interior egg rot.

When you get advice on here, remember people are strangers. We all are mostly, so take in everyones advice on things... a gathering of opinions and ideas is always a good thing, but research well what sounds good to you before making a choice for your own ways.
What do you use to write on the eggs? Pencil? In addition to the date i also want to mark which one is laid by which chicken because one seems to be laying huge yolks.
I work at a hospital so I was able to get a sterile pen like the doctors use to mark skin during surgery. I use that to mark my eggs. Most people seem to use pencil though.
i wash and dry mine then put them in a flat anf there on the counter for less than a week befor there eaten or sold we never refigerate our eggs

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