Electric poultry netting


6 Years
Nov 15, 2017

I purchased 50m of electric poulty netting with the hopes to use it as a moveable run. In hindsight I wish I had purchased a smaller size. As it's a pain having to take it down and move it.

I've now decided to use it on the side of the permanent run and keep the electric poultry netting permanently in place. I won't need 50m though.

Can I roll the netting up to make the run smaller, or will this damage it? I'll be sure to keep it from earthing on the ground.

I was thinking about attaching the netting to wooden posts rather than use the plastic posts it has now, but would this cause it to short?
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I don't believeyou can "short" an electric fence. The current is flowing into the fence already. The circuit is completed when someone or something touched the fence and ground.
If you will never have a use for the entire 50m, you can cut it down to size. Knot the ends and attach it to a plastic post. Best to stick with the step in posts. Any contact with the wood post will short it out. I would never cut it personally. Just double back the fencing with a 6" gap between the 2 for an extra layer of protection. I have found with hot tape that when you bundle up the excess, the current jumps between the wire filaments and eventually burns the tape. The fencing should act the same. If you need some corner braces just use tent or dog stakes tied to the top of the step ins.

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