Empordanesa & Penedesenca - Who has them?

That's right. I emailed the other Penedesenca breeder on here.

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i just messaged you I think you should hatch some from Guy ( Chickencanoe ) then I can send you some too if you want more.
he has nice birds and is probably closer we have had a mild winter though and matchability has been very good so far.
I am about to set partridge penedesenca and crele olive eggers
It is great to see more people posting. This is really great.

My husband had an accident with a tree he fell, and was in Seattle's Harborview (trauma) Hospital for 4 weeks. Needless to say, I was very busy then and the next 4 weeks that he has been home. He was lucky to survive and have no lasting handicaps except for being unable to swallow without aspirating food into his lungs. If it isn't one thing, it is another, right?

I set a few of my Partridge Penedesenca's and have 2 pullets and 2 cockerels that hatched on March 23rd. I'm really excited to see them when they are fully grown. I plan to set more of them now that life is settling down some. My granddaughter played midwife for the eggs and did a great job for someone who had no knowledge of running an incubator and hatching. She took over the egg turning and the hatching too. What a great 15 year old she has turned into with having spent her first 9 years as a city kid.

Needless to say, there has been no time to work on the new chicken house/coop to replace the one that was severely damaged by a big tree during a wind storm. Temporary housing has been chain link dog runs with plastic tarps over and part way around them. It works, but, I've really got to make a decision of what to build and get working on it. The weather is improving so it is time to get working on a new home for the chooks.
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It is great to see more people posting. This is really great.

My husband had an accident with a tree he fell, and was in Seattle's Harborview (trauma) Hospital for 4 weeks. Needless to say, I was very busy then and the next 4 weeks that he has been home. He was lucky to survive and have no lasting handicaps except for being unable to swallow without aspirating food into his lungs. If it isn't one thing, it is another, right?

I set a few of my Partridge Penedesenca's and have 2 pullets and 2 cockerels that hatched on March 23rd. I'm really excited to see them when they are fully grown. I plan to set more of them now that life is settling down some. My granddaughter played midwife for the eggs and did a great job for someone who had no knowledge of running an incubator and hatching. She took over the egg turning and the hatching too. What a great 15 year old she has turned into with having spent her first 9 years as a city kid.

Needless to say, there has been no time to work on the new chicken house/coop to replace the one that was severely damaged by a big tree during a wind storm. Temporary housing has been chain link dog runs with plastic tarps over and part way around them. It works, but, I've really got to make a decision of what to build and get working on it. The weather is improving so it is time to get working on a new home for the chooks.

Ow-w-w that's a run of setbacks! On BYC "post your chicken coop pictures here" there is one couple's photos of trees falling and destroying their half-finished new coop, burying their dog so they had to dig her out and bring her into the house, and falling trees ruined their chicken chainlink fence. They were chasing chickens and caught all but one to put them in their old coop and then run for cover inside the house from the storm and hoped the whole time a tree wouldn't crash on their house roof! We had rain and wind but nothing as bad as past storms we've had in SoCal.

Great granddaughter!
I had a really funny, as in odd, occurrence of one of my roosters disappearing several days in a row while out loose in the yard. He would come out of a weedy area in one corner of my yard. Tonight, I noticed one of the hens coming from that area too... so what the heck is going on??? This is an area that has spring water running into via a pipe. I plan one day to build a pond there, and, there is water sitting in a dip in that area. This evening I walked over there to see if I could see the missing rooster. Well, there he was, up to his hocks in the water, eating duck weed of the top of the water. Now, I would expect that of a duck, but a chicken? Just too funny!
I had a really funny, as in odd, occurrence of one of my roosters disappearing several days in a row while out loose in the yard. He would come out of a weedy area in one corner of my yard. Tonight, I noticed one of the hens coming from that area too... so what the heck is going on??? This is an area that has spring water running into via a pipe. I plan one day to build a pond there, and, there is water sitting in a dip in that area. This evening I walked over there to see if I could see the missing rooster. Well, there he was, up to his hocks in the water, eating duck weed of the top of the water. Now, I would expect that of a duck, but a chicken? Just too funny!

I have read that chickens love duck weed!

It is good for them too. You have a very smart rooster and hen.
I was given 3 mystery chicks from My pet chicken... and I can't decide if this chick is an Easter Egger or a Partridge Penedesenca chick...

What do you think???


I was given 3 mystery chicks from My pet chicken... and I can't decide if this chick is an Easter Egger or a Partridge Penedesenca chick...

What do you think???



Could be a partridge rock--Likely a partridge of some type and she does not look like an EE
This chick is not colored like my Partridge Penedesencas, but, I've only seen what I got from MPC.

Out of my order for seven Partridge Penedesencas they sent me two chicks last year, one was white (a rooster who likes to eat duck weed), the other is laying green eggs when they should be dark brown eggs.

I need to take some pictures of my 5.5 week old PP chicks but I would need to separate them from the Cream Legbar chicks. It is also time to set some more eggs. At least I now have the additional roosters I wanted.

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