Empordanesa & Penedesenca - Who has them?

Has anyone else had their Penedesenca eggs hatch later than your other chickens? I think I remember Luann telling me that hers did. I have noticed with my first two hatches this year that they seem to hatch a day or so later than the other chicken eggs they are incubated with. Is it the dark color of the shell?

its great to see everyone posting here

I have had it happen quite often. seems like it takes 21-22 days on average for me
its great to see everyone posting here

I have had it happen quite often. seems like it takes 21-22 days on average for me

I just hatched pita pinta and bresse. The Pita Pinta hatched a full day later.

I have missed seeing you post Jason!

I hope all is well.
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I just hatched pita pinta and bresse. The Pita Pinta hatched a full day later.

I have missed seeing you post Jason!

I hope all is well.

Thanks Ron.
its been busy at work. between work , family and chickens. not a lot of free time.
unfortunately i tried to free range some Crele and ended up loosing half my Crele Penedesenca so I am trying to hatch some more as now I'm down to 4 hens and a rooster
Thanks Ron.
its been busy at work. between work , family and chickens. not a lot of free time.
unfortunately i tried to free range some Crele and ended up loosing half my Crele Penedesenca so I am trying to hatch some more as now I'm down to 4 hens and a rooster

I am sorry to hear that!

I am trying to get the Partridge penes going this year, but they keep pecking the comb of the rooster. They even went after the comb with blue kote on it.

I will keep trying.....
Do you know what got your creles? Was a cock running with them?

Here are some pictures I took yesterday.

I was thinking of selling some day olds in the Buy - Sell - Trade section on BYC. I should have enough chicks hatch on Monday to fill a 25 chick shipping container.
What do you guys think?
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Any NPIP clean breeders out there who want to ship me some chicks? I am looking foir Crele, Partridge, Wheaten, and Empordanessa. I have some of all these except the Wheatens. My birds came from Luann Keller. I need a few more to try to avoid inbreeding.

By the way Chicken Canoe, the black babies I got from you are doing well! They are extremely active! Thanks!!!
That's great to hear. I was going to call you yesterday to check on them so I'm glad I saw this post.

"There is no H or F in Orpington! "

I love it.
Do you know what got your creles? Was a cock running with them?

Here are some pictures I took yesterday.

I was thinking of selling some day olds in the Buy - Sell - Trade section on BYC. I should have enough chicks hatch on Monday to fill a 25 chick shipping container.
What do you guys think?

Hi Guy it was a pack of Coyotes they got the rooster first. I have not been on here in awhile one main reason is I fenced the bottom of my property where i can now free range and at least not have to worry about Coyotes.
I fenced a area for my goats about 1/2 acre plus a 1/2 acre garden area thats fenced

the fence is high tensile fixed knot. I used concrete stakes in between the posts and tied them to the bottom of the fence with heavy duty wire to prevent areas to dig under. posts and t posts are only 6 1/2 ft apart instead of 8 or more
Beautiful fence Jason. It looks pricey too - but effective.

A coyote (or more than one) took one of my roosters and killed a chick in the middle of the afternoon last week.

I'm down to one young primary rooster since I discovered my year older rooster is showing some red in the hackles and throwing some copper feathered sons.

I have a lot of 5 month old cockerels and some younger that I have to start culling.

I have another rooster on loan to a friend up north that had a few of my pullets but no good rooster.
It's been busy here with Dear Hubby needing driven to therapies and Dr appointments. It is slowing down some, so I am getting more time to do my things. Also had to have a huge yardsale to cut down on clutter and stuff we really don't need. That pulled a whole bunch of time as the daughter in law and I spent 4 weekends holding this yardsale. Way less to wonder where to store it.

Now to get busy on a new chicken house, but, I'm not sure yet what I want.

Had a coyote in the yard last evening at dusk. I thought he had gotten one of my PP cross hens but she finally came out of hiding after about 20 minutes. The dogs here (Jack Russells) told me we had a problem. They are pretty vocal when a stray dog comes around, let alone a coyote. My first male would take them out of the area on the run... and come back as proud as punch about 20 or 30 minutes later. I was lucky he survived those jaunts. He must have had an injury to his boy parts however, as he quit siring any more of the nice puppies I was getting. <sigh>

Jason... I covet your finished fences. I am using no climb horse fence with a 2 x 8 at the top. Plan to run a good hot wire along with that as coyotes can jump a 6' fence. Some of the dog people are putting a roller top on their kennels so the coyotes can not get a grip at the top and then finish climbing in to kill their dogs.

Need to take photos of chickens as I have not posted any this year. Lost my white roo that came with my PP order last year. He never did really thrive. Sure made me think he was too inbred. The crossbred PP/Maran hens are lovely hens that lay the biggest brownest eggs. My PP's lay an odd assortment of colors and shapes, but, they lay. I had one go broody but only one hatched chick.. though it is a pullet. I've got to work at hatching. It takes time, which I am finding hard to come by.

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