Emu egg season Fall of 2013 to 2014

Our second hen laid her first egg last night. Unfortunately it was our coldest night of the year and the egg was already frozen and split when I found it today. She is three years old this season and this is her first egg (ever). The hen in the pen next door is also three this season and she laid last year and her first egg this year came on December 2nd. Doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason as to when the birds start laying?! Go figure...
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Our weather is suppose to be going from 40 degrees to 5 tonight. With temps staying cold the next day. Do you all think I should bring my 12 eggs in the house?? I normally put a heat lamp over them but we have never got temp below teens. I just don't want the male to reject eggs after I bring them back.. :/
Our weather is suppose to be going from 40 degrees to 5 tonight. With temps staying cold the next day. Do you all think I should bring my 12 eggs in the house?? I normally put a heat lamp over them but we have never got temp below teens. I just don't want the male to reject eggs after I bring them back..

that's impossible to say without seeing your set up. We have hatched emu eggs that have survived freezing temperatures and snow storms uncovered, but when they freeze solid, they split from the contents expanding. So if your heat lamp can keep them from freezing solid, you should be okay. If you are worried about your male rejecting the eggs, you could bring some in and leave others in the nest, under the heat lamp, then slip the others back in when the temps get back up...
Does it help to put empty emu eggs in the nest like it does for chickens? Just wondering.

I have put several empty emu eggs in the nest when I have pulled the good ones.. they refused to take the nerf footballs (others have reported that theirs will take them).. and they know the empty eggs are empty.. BUT mine seem ok with them as replacements

I caught Dorian sitting on egg #15 the other night.. reached under him and pulled it and found that he was also sitting on the empties trying to keep them from freezing.. so even though they know the eggs are no good.. he's still trying to keep them warm during the coldest nights..
I have brought all the eggs in before and when I took them out they started sitting with no problems, but I have a great laying set that trust me, if she lays in a bad place I can move them with them watching and she will finish laying where I put the eggs , not sure if other emu will do this or not , good luck
It depends on demand of chicks ...or even eggs ? Here in UK there are lots of chicks...young . and adults for sale...seem not to sell well and have been for many months... it has never really taken off since DWA licence was removed.
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