Emu egg season Fall of 2013 to 2014

Me too was, expecting eggs way before now, Oh well when they get ready they will lay .as long as they aren't egg bound I can wait
# 9 this morning...same haybed as usual ...just one more for incubator...then hope to make some Emu eggs buyers happy lol if only they know what fantastic Pets they really are.. only ....in the right hands though.
# 9 this morning...same haybed as usual ...just one more for incubator...then hope to make some Emu eggs buyers happy lol if only they know what fantastic Pets they really are.. only ....in the right hands though.

I'm debating on offering my extras here or on eBay... lol.. maybe I should just make some really big omelets!

got #12 yesterday.. 7 in the bator.. she's still sticking to one egg every three days for me..
This is first time hatching emu. I set 17 eggs.
I read the threads Emu Hatch-a-long 2012 and Emu Hatch 2013 by yinepu, so i hope get good result.
Last year hatched 15 ostriches by homemade incubator.

11 th egg this morning...blew 3 as the 1st few are never fertile...at least with the Rhea egg candling at 12 days... made lovely omelettes for all of us....bantams, turkeys, cats and dog..and rest in incubator...Rosie's were 3 - 4 days...and Jasmine just 2 days...what a clever girl lol.
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11 th egg this morning...blew 3 as the 1st few are never fertile...at least with the Rhea egg candling at 12 days... made lovely omelettes for all of us....bantams, turkeys, cats and dog..and rest in incubator...Rosie's were 3 - 4 days...and Jasmine just 2 days...what a clever girl lol.

Rose laid #13 the other day.. 8 in the bator.. I set the first couple anyway even if they aren't fertile.. lol.. they were pretty cold when I found them (nights had been down in the 20's).. so I figured they are probably duds anyway just from that.. after I check for wiggling in a few days I'll decide if I want to pull them or not..

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