Faverolles Thread

They all have the same tailfeather developement except for #1 which doesnt have any at all. The one with stripes, #2, has slightly more tail feather than the others and a slightly bigger comb, wondering if maybe its a alpha hen, since im pretty sure #1 is a cockerel.
Soo... lost 3 of my 8 Valley Hatchery chicks so far... two of which were my cockerels!
No pasty butt or anything obvious... maybe just not very hardy?

*sigh* It's gonna be hard to breed them without a roo...
Maybe one of the pullets will turn out male?
They all have the same tailfeather developement except for #1 which doesnt have any at all. The one with stripes, #2, has slightly more tail feather than the others and a slightly bigger comb, wondering if maybe its a alpha hen, since im pretty sure #1 is a cockerel.
They all still look like cockerels to me, and the second most of all. I'm just going by the patterning on the secondaries and my own past experiences with my birds. Hopefully for your sake I am wrong! But the ones I have had like that turn out to be the cockerels that look like a patchwork quilt when young, and the slow growers are more neat in their juvenile coloring.
Soo... lost 3 of my 8 Valley Hatchery chicks so far... two of which were my cockerels!
No pasty butt or anything obvious... maybe just not very hardy?

*sigh* It's gonna be hard to breed them without a roo...
Maybe one of the pullets will turn out male?
Didn't you just get them?
Didn't you just get them?

Yeah... on Thursday. (The cockerels were marked so no problem identifying them)
They may have just gotten too cold. I hope not, but seems like the most likely cause... I bought one of those halogen replacement bulbs and it was only 60 watt. I was afraid since it was halogen that it would be hotter than an incandescent bulb, but I went ahead and changed it to a 100 watt incandescent today.
I just don't understand why I've only lost Faverolles though. There's seven Brahmas in there too, and they seem fine. I guess I'll just have to see if I can find someone nearby with Favs. v_v; I think I'm done with Hatcheries.
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You'll know if it was heat related if the chicks huddle under it….warm chicks scurry all over the pen….Also watch that everyone is hitting the feeder… (sprinkling new feed should peak their interest)…The Brahma chicks could be intimidating the Favs….cannot remember how old, watch the chicks, pick them up, are any of them very light compared to others,how is their skin around their feet….plump or shriveled…. if not plump regularly dip their beak in the water so they will start to fill out again….This helps with crooked toes in the first days too, Electrolytes are good but not too much….
I just hatched about 10 Favs and mix…the mix have a hybrid vigor and already half again as big, while the Favs are still rolli polli and smaller, even though they should be the same when grown.
I only use incandescent bulbs, have never been comfortable with Halogen or heat lamps….
Good luck
Thank you, ellizmartin! I'll keep an eye on them for dehydration. They are 4 days old, and all of them seemed plenty vigorous when they arrived. I watched them for a good hour after putting them in the brooder and initially they were all huddled under the light, but they started venturing out and eating/drinking after warming up some. If I lose any more, I think I'll give the rest to one of my broody Silkies and see if they fare any better.

Crossing my fingers that I don't lose any more though!
I was just wondering if anyone knew of any breeders of LF faverolles? I am looking to add some to a new flock. I am located in Ohio. thanks!!

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