Faverolles Thread

All us fav breeders can dream, can't we? haa haa!!!
All us fav breeders can dream, can't we? haa haa!!!

I love them but they are a little slow its true. I GOT MY EGGS! Nikki did a perfect shipping job/and sent lots of eggs! Tonight im going to set 20 favs from her and 4 from mine and 16 BLRW from her.
All us fav breeders can dream, can't we? haa haa!!!

I love them but they are a little slow its true. I GOT MY EGGS! Nikki did a perfect shipping job/and sent lots of eggs! Tonight im going to set 20 favs from her and 4 from mine and 16 BLRW from her.

That's so exciting! I can't wait to see those babies.
All us fav breeders can dream, can't we? haa haa!!!

I love them but they are a little slow its true. I GOT MY EGGS! Nikki did a perfect shipping job/and sent lots of eggs! Tonight im going to set 20 favs from her and 4 from mine and 16 BLRW from her.

Yay Henry!!!

I just had to brag that my first Fav baby FROM MY OWN STOCK just hatched!!!!!!!!
(I've hatched my own mixes, but this is my first pure fav chick). I'm so excited, this is nuts! This is way cooler than hatching chicks from someone else's birds! hee hee hee

And yes, I will post a pic as soon as it's up and about and fluffy!!

Pinkchick, this is at least your half grandchick! Definitely from the roo, not sure which hen's egg it hatched from though...
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I love them but they are a little slow its true. I GOT MY EGGS! Nikki did a perfect shipping job/and sent lots of eggs! Tonight im going to set 20 favs from her and 4 from mine and 16 BLRW from her.

Yay Henry!!!

I just had to brag that my first Fav baby FROM MY OWN STOCK just hatched!!!!!!!!
(I've hatched my own mixes, but this is my first pure fav chick). I'm so excited, this is nuts! This is way cooler than hatching chicks from someone else's birds! hee hee hee

And yes, I will post a pic as soon as it's up and about and fluffy!!

Pinkchick, this is at least your half grandchick! Definitely from the roo, not sure which hen's egg it hatched from though...

I can't wait to have that feeling ! Hopefully the 19th at least one of the eggs I have developing will hatch hopefully two so they have buddies.
Yay Henry!!!

I just had to brag that my first Fav baby FROM MY OWN STOCK just hatched!!!!!!!!
(I've hatched my own mixes, but this is my first pure fav chick). I'm so excited, this is nuts! This is way cooler than hatching chicks from someone else's birds! hee hee hee

And yes, I will post a pic as soon as it's up and about and fluffy!!

Pinkchick, this is at least your half grandchick! Definitely from the roo, not sure which hen's egg it hatched from though...

I can't wait to have that feeling ! Hopefully the 19th at least one of the eggs I have developing will hatch hopefully two so they have buddies.

Well, I tell ya, I had NO idea that it would be different, but it sure is! Now it's killing me that the others that are due today are mutts, and I don't have any more of my SF's due until the 22nd! What on earth was I thinking?!?!?!!!
I can't wait to have that feeling ! Hopefully the 19th at least one of the eggs I have developing will hatch hopefully two so they have buddies.

Well, I tell ya, I had NO idea that it would be different, but it sure is! Now it's killing me that the others that are due today are mutts, and I don't have any more of my SF's due until the 22nd! What on earth was I thinking?!?!?!!!

I am really tempted to set more eggs but my bator is full! And The day these are due to hatch I will be setting Rose's eggs in the other incubator. How should I mark the chicks? I am thinking that I will mark my chicks with some sort off non-toxic water souluble marker on their heads. I only set 3 of my fav eggs with Nikki's batck today. I am getting 18 from rose so I will either set some from someone else or set a few of my own again from a diffrent mating with the pair that I am getting next week.

What do you guys think I think the marker should work. The set I am hatching on the 25th will be Rose's 18 and then I will put the eggs from The Salmon Cockeral and pullet I am getting and I will also add one or two of the other pullets in to that breeding flock.

Marker or perhaps even painting one of their claws with a dark nail polish, let it dry before you put them down of course!
Ok sounds good

In the lab we would probably amputate a toe, but I figured that would be a nicer method.
Just remember which toe is painted on which chick, keep a chart if you must!

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