Faverolles Thread

I have bantams.

GREAT! I love them they are just to goofy mine are out running around and I can hear my boy crowing his little heart out right now. I am getting another pair in the mail tommorow or Wednesday and I am hatching them like crazy!

Do you have your blue salmon and salmon penned separately? I'd love to get some salmon eggs from you. I only have Sammy and 1 little girl (Sally)...both from different bloodlines. I REALLY need to get some more ladies for Sammy...to save the sanity of Sally.
GREAT! I love them they are just to goofy mine are out running around and I can hear my boy crowing his little heart out right now. I am getting another pair in the mail tommorow or Wednesday and I am hatching them like crazy!

Do you have your blue salmon and salmon penned separately? I'd love to get some salmon eggs from you. I only have Sammy and 1 little girl (Sally)...both from different bloodlines. I REALLY need to get some more ladies for Sammy...to save the sanity of Sally.

Right now my salmon and blue salmon are penned together but in three weeks I shoild have to seprate pens one blue salmon and one salmon. My birds are from nikki hattricksilkiesand jeff oxely whose birds are from the isgrig line. I am also hatching more eggs from nikki and eggs from Rose Isgrig at the end of the month.
Faverolles are my favorite breed!

Unfortunately, my favorite hen Oddity (posted about her a long time ago on here I think...) died in the coop over night during our cold snap.
Then the next day I found her sister laying on the coop floor with her feet frozen, she was getting trampled. She's so tame that she just sits in a box inside and chats with us all day, so she's in here stinking it up, lol.

My Faverolle/Easter Egger rooster (who seems to have gotten 100% Faverolle genes) also has frozen feet, but he's too wild to stay inside with us. He's been in the garage and not in the snow, but his feet are stiff. One foot is now solid purple. I put petroleum jelly on his feet after holding him inside for a few hours to defrost them, but I guess they froze up again. I don't know what to do!

Does anyone else have issues with Faverolle feet freezing in the cold? This is their first winter outside, last winter they were chicks. All of my Crevecoeurs also froze and died, but the rest of my hens (mixed breeds, sex-links, BO's, EE's, Leghorns, some bantam mixed breeds, Spitz, Polish...) have been totally fine.

We usually don't have such cold weather here. It usually gets no colder than the mid teens at night and in the 20's or 30's F during the day. We've had windchills of 0 degrees for days on end now with several inches of snow on the ground...
A could pictures just for the heck of it...

Here's our last living Faverolle hen hanging out inside in her box with my daughter.


This is her son or her nephew, not sure which, yesterday when I brought him inside to defrost. We put petroleum jelly on his feet after they melted, then stuck socks on him! He's a Faverolle/Easter Egger cross but he has white legs and five toes and (I think) SF roo coloring. His name is Buzzy and he's pretty docile for an adult rooster. He has never crowed!

My bantams are fine and its colder here then it is in Kentucky where are you keeping them do they live outside in the snow all the time?
I never had any issues with their feet being frozen or frostbites. It probably depends if they were standing around in the wet areas, they would be pretty uncomfortable. For shavings and getting up in the roosts will keep their feet warm.
They got frozen over night in the coop! It's got high windows and no drafts over the roost pole area, and the roost pole is a flat board so they sit on their feet. It's just odd because only my faverolles are freezing. Right now the rooster is in the garage, totally no drafts and no snow at all. I just went out and hung a heat lamp from the ceiling, but he wouldn't go under it, of course.

My little mixed breed bantam rooster is out there practically swimming in the snow (by his own choice, he could go inside) and he has been perfectly fine doing that for the entire cold snap. I think my Faverolles must have defective feet or something.

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