Favorite breeds?

I don't have alot of experience with alot of different breeds. I like the buff orpingtons cause they are a all-around good breed except for the strong desire to go broody alot. I would have to say at the moment the mille fleur bantams. They are a beautiful bird(even the hens are beautiful, which is rare for most female poultry to be so colorfully marked). I guess I just like their fiestiness and big bird attitude. They are so comical!
I love our Barred Rock FiFi.

She is like a dog always underfoot. Even my DH who was not into us getting chickens likes her.

SHHHHH, do not tell anyone last night I caught him holding her while he was sitting outside in his chair. Wish I had my zoom lens on my camera!
I have two Dutch bantam pullets who are so underfoot I have to watch my step! They are truly my babies who love to be picked up and petted. Also one Buttercup Bantam (do buttercups come in bantam size? In researching, that's what she looks like) that is almost as clingy as the Dutch. Also have BLRWs who are really friendly. But then, I like all my flock; they're like children, everyone has their own endearing qualities!

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