Feather-Footed Pullet (I Think) - Boy or Girl? **UPDATE, 4-5 Months**

Definitely a brahma. Possibly a mix of light and dark brahma, but no cochin and no wyandotte. Comb is wrong for a brahma X wyandotte, and I simply do not see any cochin features that are not better explained by brahma.

Keep hoping for a girl until you hear a crow or see an egg. With the individual personality you describe, and knowing the general personality of brahmas, I would try to find a way to keep it regardless of gender.
Thanks for your thoughts. Does anyone else think she's a pullet? I'm really hoping, but I can handle the truth, lol. She survived a bad hawk attack in the fall and is now blind in one eye, we think. She has no other injuries to speak of, but she's always walking crooked and holding her head funny. We can't help but love her to pieces and hope (hope hope hope) that she's a girl.

Honestly, if she's a HE, we'll probably still keep him. Maybe we can caponize him? I just don't want him fighting with the other roosters.
You have a rooster sorry
Also, roosters can and do live peacefully with each other. I have five living together just fine, and typically have many more than that. The roosters that can't play nice, go to freezer camp.
Best wishes, and sorry to hear about the hawk attack. I had one go after my little old english game hen about three weeks ago. Thankfully, he just got one half of her tail feathers.
Okay, I'm still not sure. I really think she's a pullet. For those who thinks Speedy's a cockerel, can you tell me what you're seeing that points in that direction? I'd really like to know. I've never had such trouble, and we've had quite a few breeds around here.
I'm going in with a strong Roo vote. I see pointy saddle feathers there. And I think it's a SLW/LB mix. The comb looks flatter like a SLWs comb, rather than a more raised three row comb of the brahma.
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Your baby pics make her look like a him, but the updated ones I say definitely a HER.
Her feathers are rounded. She has looks to have a more squat build as well (compared to a rooster who is longer and upright).
I'm going for "her".

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