February 2017 Hatch-a-long

I have a great naming system here 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 lol
One last question I have 13 chicks and 15 eggs left I'm sure 2 didn't make it but not sure about the rest I have one that piped started to zip last night but nothing else how can I tell if they are still living and when should I just get rid of them?
One last question I have 13 chicks and 15 eggs left I'm sure 2 didn't make it but not sure about the rest I have one that piped started to zip last night but nothing else how can I tell if they are still living and when should I just get rid of them?

A. Wait a couple days to see if they hatch
B. Float test them
Thanks for all the comments on my sebrights. I hatched them, and tried to handle them, but they never got friendly! Even after I got rid of all but 1 rooster. The girls were all B%&#es! The rooster hated my red feed scoop. Had to fight him every time I went into the pen. He wasn't as big as my boot, but he was quick and could fly! Lol

So I got rid of them all. :( they were lovely to look at though. And someone said loud! The girls were very chatty and had their own little language.

Float test - don't bother. It can confirm it's alive, but it can't confirm its dead. Just candle it and look for draw down, movement or veins. By this point, it should be obvious if it's dead.

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