Febuary hatch a long

My first time was last year & I over thought everything! It's quite an emotional roller coaster.

I've had chicks develop fine, but were in wrong position in the last week before hatching. None of those chicks made it.
I've had chicks drown when humidity rose too high as the chicks were hatching. Things to keep in mind for future hatches...I learned from my past mistakes & everybody is going to have different circumstances. I was told 70% was not too high for humidity, when in fact it was. 70% works fine for some, but not everybody!

Good news here! I have my first pip! The wee egg on the left. The first of my next generation of Malines.

yay pip!!!
:hugs   hang in there!  how many you have?  this is crazy stressful business!!  I'd say the last couple days are for sure the worst!!!  :fl :jumpy
I had 10 under a broody. 3 were duds or quit very early. 11 days into the hatch and my broody went nuts and started attacking the eggs. I saved only two (the rest were cracked or completely crushed). One still looks okay and the other was facing the wrong way.
I had 10 under a broody. 3 were duds or quit very early. 11 days into the hatch and my broody went nuts and started attacking the eggs. I saved only two (the rest were cracked or completely crushed). One still looks okay and the other was facing the wrong way.
my last hatch was kinda the same results, different way leading up to them.... had 20 shipped eggs, only 1 viable to lockdown, it hatched with it's intestines outside it's tummy. totally crushed me, I was lucky I had already ordered more eggs otherwise wouldn't be on this hatch as it was sooo darn sad!!! hoping your little egg makes it!!!
Just went into lockdown with egg #1. I could see movement inside the egg last night but this morning everything is so dark I can't see.

The ameraucanas are on day 10 and are in the same incubator. I hope the high humidity wont hurt them. Some of them seem to have air sacs that are growing too fast so I'm hoping it may actually benefit them. As far as the positions inside the egg, I have no idea what they are doing.
Still nothing from my poor single egg. It's day 22. I woke this morning and the temp was down to 96. What on earth?!?! I was having no trouble with temps until I upped my humidity for lockdown and now I'm having nothing but issues. I am throwing in the towel after this hatch... if it ever hatches.
I heard a PEEP!!!
today is day 20, I have 18 silkie eggs locked down, no clue which egg made the noise, or now it's doing.... but that was sure exciting!!! hoping for the best!!!! Have been staring at them like nuts and no movement and no external pips.... thank goodness i'm at work now or I think i'd go bonkers at home....

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