Febuary hatch a long

I am so sorry!
I heard a PEEP!!!
today is day 20, I have 18 silkie eggs locked down, no clue which egg made the noise, or now it's doing.... but that was sure exciting!!! hoping for the best!!!! Have been staring at them like nuts and no movement and no external pips.... thank goodness i'm at work now or I think i'd go bonkers at home....
Day 20 here too...Got several doing the wiggle dance but no chirps..wouldn't be surprised if I don't have internal pips til tomorrow as I lost power that one day... Had to add a bit of water this morning to get the humidity up again, took the opportunity to candle one egg that was closest, I can see the beak right under the air cell so I don't think it will be long!!!! Of course that was just one egg out of 25

Cant wait to start hearing the little peeps, The birds outside chirping are driving me crazy as I am always stopping to make sure it aint coming from the bator
Lost the last one. I don't think I'm cut out for incubating.

Its trial and error, the error part is so hard, my last hatch went that way... It was a huge learning experience, one I was convinced I didn't want to go thru again but I did, adjusted what I knew I did wrong, I don't know how many will hatch out this time , Ive been here before, hopeful and then nothing... Don't give up!!!
:woot                Day 20 here too...Got several doing the wiggle dance but no chirps..wouldn't be surprised if I don't have internal pips til tomorrow as I lost power that one day... Had to add a bit of water this morning to get the humidity up again, took the opportunity to candle one egg that was closest, I can see the beak right under the air cell so I don't think it will be long!!!!  Of course that was just one egg out of 25 :D

Cant wait to start hearing the little peeps, The birds outside chirping are driving me crazy as I am always stopping to make sure it aint coming from the bator ;)

Day 20 here too! Such a slow process. Still waiting for more pips.

Its trial and error, the error part is so hard, my last hatch went that way... It was a huge learning experience, one I was convinced I didn't want to go thru again but I did, adjusted what I knew I did wrong, I don't know how many will hatch out this time , Ive been here before, hopeful and then nothing... Don't give up!!!  :hugs  

I agree. Its hard, but in time I was ready to go thru it again. :hugs
I might have heard a peep but it absolutely could have been my imagination

lol... Day 20 here too... Heard some tapping and got all exited, called my daughter in...then I realized it was the heating unit on the bator clicking...
wow, did I feel stupid

More are wiggling tho, expect them to start pipping the air cell tomorrow...
lol... Day 20 here too... Heard some tapping and got all exited, called my daughter in...then I realized it was the heating unit on the bator clicking...:he  wow, did I feel stupid  :oops:

More are wiggling tho, expect them to start pipping the air cell tomorrow...

:lol: Laughing with you, not at you. Been there, done that. ;)
Yep, you should have some pipping today! :D

I woke up at 3 a.m. (sleep is over-rated when hatching chicks ;) ) 3 chicks! Yay! Now it's after 6 & I think I see a wee crack in another egg. Hurray, its day 21!!! :yiipchick

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