feed--Purina Layena or Dumor layer?

Kacey's Krazee's :

I don't myself have any personal experience, but I have read here, that the Dumore feed makes their poop smell worse than normal. I am using the Purina feeds, and the smell is fine. I also use the deep litter method, and add the DE. My coop is smelling okay... nothing bad........

I decided to give the Dumore a shot the last time I bought feed because it had a slightly higher protein percentage (20% vs 18% I think). I do think my girls' poop is stinkier. Since I only have a few chickens, it's not a big deal (unless you're sitting right there when they're dropping their bombs...lol). They seem to eat the Dumore as well as the Purina though (crumbles).​
Don't know if it's true or not , but the lady at the TSC said that the Dumor was made by Purina for TSC - IDK - mine eat either one and I haven't noticed anything different.
We switched over to Layena last week......... they won't eat it willingly. Hardly any eggs in the last 3 days except for the silkies who are still eating the last bit of Dumor that I have.

Next bag will be back to Dumor if possible.
well, I just went back to Dumor couple days ago, and had an egg last night. I don't know if its the feed or maybe we are finally coming out of molt, but thank goodness I finally got an egg again!
Our TSC did the swicheroo on me with the Dumor to Layena. Chickens hated it and took forever to finish the bag. They free range too so they filled up on worms and such. Egg production bottomed out and the ones that they did lay had strange sandpaperish shells. Demanded Dumor from local store after much whining on their part. It is in the back storage room waiting for me. Girls are much happier. Never noticed the poop aroma problem one way or another. Lesson: Squeaky wheel gets the Dumor...don't back down! Happy New Year all!
My TSC said they would continue to carry Dumor as long as people kept buying it. When I went there on Saturday I didn't see any out so I asked the manager if they were still carrying it. He said it was in the back and went back to get my 2 bags for me. I hope that isn't a bad sign.
they'reHISchickens :

For Layeena-- from TSC web page
Guaranteed Analysis:
Protein (min.) 16.00%, Fat (min.) 2.50%, Calcium (Ca) (min.) 3.25%, Lysine (min.) 0.55%, Methionine (min.) 0.25%, Calcium (Ca) (max.) 4.25%, Fiber (max.) 7.00%, Phosphorus (P) (min.) 0.50%, Vitamin A 3,000 IU/lb, Vitamin E 10.50 IU/lb .

For Dumore-- from TSC web page
Ingredients: Crude Protein (min) 16.000%, Lysine (min) .7200%, Methionine (min) .3300%, Crude Fat (min) 2.5000%, Crude Fiber (max) 5.5000%, Calcium (min) 1.3500%, Calcium (max) 1.8500%, Phosphorus (min) .4500%, Salt (min) .2000%, Salt (max) .5000%

Can't seem to find any listing of the actual ingredients like are on the tag.
I could have sworn the calcium listings on the two tags I checked were identical because I was concerned about the calcium each supplied. This makes me wonder if the web site listing is even accurate. We all know they can change formulas without any notification at any time.

i have the layen tag in front of me and its right. my dumor is outside and its cold lol.....so the layena seems to have more calcium, while everything else is relatively the same. i would lean towards layena but since mine are doing well on dumor right now im not gonna change it. i switched my rosecombs and silkies to game bird - growth & plumage and I can already see a difference in their feathers. I did this because I noticed that Msbears roosters seemed to have nicer tails. Are brids are from all the same lines so i couldnt figure out why that was. i asked her what she was feeding and she told me about this stuff. ive had them on it for like 2 or 3 weeks now and I can already see a difference in their feathers, much shinier and jaspers tail is growing already!! im so excited. i dont know about the laying part of it though. they havent been laying in like 2 months anyways and even when they were laying it wasnt much at all. they havent started back up since theyve been on this so my guess is that they wont lay till spring again.​
My TSC stopped carrying Dumor, which is what I had been feeding, so I switched to Layena. My birds have always gotten crumbles. Since I've switched 2 months ago or so my egg production has been cut in half. Whether this is from the feed change or the colder weather/shorter days I can't say for certain, but I do notice more "spilled" feed on the floor than I ever had before with the Dumor. Hopefully everything comes back around and works itself out.
im not sure, i have never fed my chickens dumor feed, but i know dumor make some good horse products.I wasn't a big fan of layena when i fed it to my chickens. i started feeding my chickens feed from a mill, its better for the chickens, i am supporting the local farmers, and its half the price of the feed at TSC!

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