Feeders & Waterers


12 Years
Mar 11, 2007
Dallas TX
I am about to move my chicks outside to my tractor. they will be 5 weeks at the move. I am wondering what to use as a food container and a water container. I'm assuming that the chick feeders I have been using will be too small and the same with the waterers. So i am wondering waht you all use. I see some saying they use kitty litter boxes for water. Food seems to go into anything from a pie pan to one of those feed store gavlanized feeders. I'd like to know what you use especially if you have created your own. thanks!
id get the hanging 25lb feeder.an the hanging 5 or 7 gal waterer.but what i really use to water the hens is a heavy 15 gal rubber tubb.but i only have grown hens that im watering.
I may have seen it on this site, can't remember for sure, but a 5gallon bucket with a hole drilled in the side close to the bottom and set in a plant pot tray (or any tray that it will fit in) works for water. Actually, same thing for food, but bigger and more holes drilled into the side.
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I went looking for a tub for water today, but everything looked too deep for my 4.5-wk-olds. Even a litter box was about 4 inches deep, so I wasn't sure they would be able to reach over the sides and drink without drowning.

I think I will go this direction when they get bigger though!

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