Feeding 16 Week Chicken


Jun 30, 2021
Hi! We are new to BYC. We are also new chicken owners. We have 2 Buff Orpingtons, 2 Austrolorpes, and 2 Easter Eggers. They are friendly and healthy, and everything is going pretty well.
But I'm wondering about our choice of feed. We still have half a bag of Chick Starter Crumbles, but it's possible the girls will start laying before we have used the full bag. Can we combine Chick Starter with a layer feed in order to finish up the Chick Starter? Will mixing them be a problem?
Congratulations in your flock! Chickens are a lot of fun. We love pictures of your babies.
Yep just finish the starter feed . I know you're anxious to move forward, but I agree just offer oyster shell in addition and they'll eat it if they need it. Get some layer feed for when they are all laying. Take pictures they will get big before you know it.
I put out a container of Oyster Shells after 15 weeks old.

My Pullets are 13 weeks old and I'll hang up this container in a couple of weeks.
Keep them on the Chick Starter crumble till at least 18 weeks before mixing it with a Layers feed.
Wait till one of each breed is laying before switching completely.
Some EE lay later than most breeds, depending on hatchery. GC
Thank you, everyone! That was very helpful!!!
I will get some oyster shells and offer them separately and see what they decide to do. I know they are on the very young end of starting to lay, but just want to be ready.
Maybe it's not connected, but it seems the Aussies and the Orpingtons have been snuggling deep into their bedding quite a bit lately. Made me wonder if they're starting to sense a "layer mood" - if there is such a thing.
Of course, they might just enjoy resting inside the hen house during the heat.

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