Feeding chickens wine pomice for a treat


In the Brooder
9 Years
Jul 2, 2010
Ended up making some wine this year, and had given the chickens some of the wine grapes as treats, and the hens enjoyed them. Now it is about three weeks later, the grapes have fermented and I pressed the grapes into wine last night. Gave my hens a handful of pomace, with some left over spaghetti on top for a treat this morning after letting them out of the coop, they should be happy today.
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The pomace if pretty tanic and have noticed the chicken poop to be very dark gray almost black, so eased back on the amount of pumice, but noticed little purple spots in the egg shell today.
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Purple spots in the shell? Can you post photos?

My birds have eaten a fair amount of muscadine grapes in the season, but I can't say I've ever noticed an impact in the appearance of their eggs. Mine weren't fermented though.
The egg on the left is before feeding the pomice, the egg on the right is after feeding pomice.

The eggs are from my White Plymouth Rock, they have always been a beige color, first time I've seen an egg with spots, the purple didn't come out in the photo very well, will have to try and get another picture.


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