Females fighting


In the Brooder
5 Years
Sep 11, 2014
I have 3 broad breasted bronze 1 male 2 females they share pen but is divided due to males extreme weight Every once in awhile the 2 females fight One is very aggressive she spreads her wings and picks on the other female Sometimes the one gets all bloody around the face If I catch them doing that I go out and chase the aggressive one off the other female But the fight will resume My question is why does this happen should I interrupt the fighting any advice will be welcome
I have 3 broad breasted bronze 1 male 2 females they share pen but is divided due to males extreme weight Every once in awhile the 2 females fight One is very aggressive she spreads her wings and picks on the other female Sometimes the one gets all bloody around the face If I catch them doing that I go out and chase the aggressive one off the other female But the fight will resume My question is why does this happen should I interrupt the fighting any advice will be welcome
This is normal behavior for turkeys. They have a pecking order and until it gets settled the fighting will continue. Every time you break up the fight you are just lengthening the amount of time it will take for them to settle their differences.

On occasion a turkey can also be a bully and even though the pecking order is settled will occasionally pick on turkeys lower in the pecking order.
they're just fighting to determine who's the alpha female. Also you say they're broad breasted, what are your plans for them? you going to eat them?

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